美国报告:中国在盗版产品居世界之首 I 路透社

  • 中国是世界上假冒和盗版商品的主要来源。

  • 美国贸易代表(USTR)认为,中国最受欢迎的聊天应用程序微信是 “最大的假货平台之一”。

  • 2021年,美国海关和边境保护局查获的假冒和盗版商品价值的75%是来自中国的假冒和盗版商品。

  • 美国政府确定有39个在线市场和33个实体市场从事或协助商标造假或版权盗版活动。

  • 微信为腾讯所有,提供了一个电子商务生态系统,为假冒产品的分销和销售提供便利。

  • 其他基于中国的在线市场,如AliExpress、百度旺铺、DHGate、拼多多和淘宝仍然是臭名昭著的市场名单的一部分,同时还有中国的7个实体市场。

  • 由腾讯和阿里巴巴运营的电子商务网站在2022年初被列入恶名市场名单。

  • 中国政府批评了美国政府的决定,腾讯和阿里巴巴表示他们不同意这一决定。

  • China is the leading source of counterfeit and pirated goods in the world.

  • The US Trade Representative (USTR) identified WeChat, China’s most popular chat app, as “one of the largest platforms for counterfeit goods.”

  • 75% of the value of counterfeit and pirated goods seized by US Customs and Border Protection in 2021 were counterfeit and pirated goods from China.

  • The US government identified 39 online markets and 33 physical markets that engage in or facilitate trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy.

  • WeChat is owned by Tencent and provides an e-commerce ecosystem that facilitates the distribution and sale of counterfeit products.

  • Other China-based online markets, such as AliExpress, Baidu Wangpan, DHGate, Pinduoduo, and Taobao remain part of the notorious markets list, along with 7 physical markets in China.

  • E-commerce sites operated by Tencent and Alibaba were added to the notorious markets list in early 2022.

  • The Chinese government criticized the US government’s decision and Tencent and Alibaba said they disagreed with the decision.

链接:China leads the world in counterfeit, pirated products -U.S. report | Reuters

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Of course, accelerationism is a method of revolutionary theory. But I go back to the other answers again. This is about building a modern movement for true socialism - communism, but we need to learn from past failures


