中国游客潮何时才能回热 I 纽约时报

  • 中国政府解除了对国际旅行的禁令,重新开放边界,允许中国游客出国。

  • 在大流行之前,中国派往海外的旅行者比任何其他市场都多,2018年有1.5亿中国游客在国外消费了2770亿美元。

  • 然而,该大流行病在中国国内造成了高水平的科维德病例,延误了护照和签证的办理,国际航班价格高昂,而且缺乏运力。

  • 严重依赖旅游业的泰国经济,在过去三年中损失了数百亿美元的中国游客消费。

  • 预计今年中国游客将为泰国清迈带回约2.3亿美元的收入。

  • 中国政府允许旅行社从2月6日开始重启业务,但只在包括泰国在内的24个国家进行试点。

  • 泰国旅游部门预计第二季度会有更多的中国游客到来。

  • 到泰国旅游的中国游客预计将以团体形式出现,但已经出现了向精通技术的中国游客自行出游的转变。

  • Chinese government has lifted its ban on international travel, reopening its borders and allowing Chinese travelers to go abroad.

  • Before the pandemic, China sent more travelers overseas than any other market, with 150 million Chinese tourists spending $277 billion abroad in 2018.

  • However, the pandemic has caused high levels of Covid cases within China, delays in getting passports and visas, high prices for international flights and a lack of capacity.

  • Thai economy heavily dependent on tourism, lost tens of billions of dollars in spending by Chinese tourists over the last three years.

  • Chinese tourists are expected to bring back about $230 million to Chiang Mai, Thailand, this year.

  • The Chinese government is allowing tour operators to restart their business from Feb 6, but only under a pilot program with 24 countries, including Thailand.

  • The Thai travel sector is anticipating the arrival of more Chinese tourists in the second quarter.

  • Chinese tourists to Thailand are expected to come in groups, but there has been a shift towards tech-savvy Chinese travelers taking trips on their own.

链接:Chinese Travel Is Set to Return. The Question Is, When? - The New York Times