
  • 工会和更严格的关税减免标准给在墨西哥开店的日本和其他国家的制造商带来了压力。2020年生效的USMCA以及拜登政府对劳工权利的强调加速了这一趋势。

  • 通用汽车、松下控股和日产汽车的工厂都增加了工资,后两者的工会也取代了那些被视为接近管理层的工会。USMCA还包括一项条款,允许美国政府对未能与工会接触的雇主采取行动,而且公司还必须从美国或加拿大的高薪供应商那里采购更多的零部件,以获得关税减免的资格。

  • 尽管成本较高,但在许多情况下,在墨西哥制造仍然是更便宜的选择,导致企业继续在该国投资。墨西哥汽车零部件行业在2021年获得35.8亿美元的外国直接投资,有1300家日本公司在墨西哥经营。

  • Labor unions and stricter standards for tariff relief have put pressure on manufacturers from Japan and other countries that have set up shop in Mexico. This trend has been accelerated by the USMCA, which took effect in 2020, and the Biden administration’s emphasis on labor rights.

  • General Motors, Panasonic Holdings, and Nissan Motor’s plants have all seen increases in wages, with the latter two also having labor unions that replaced those seen as close to management. The USMCA also includes a provision allowing the U.S. government to take action against employers that fail to engage with labor unions, and companies must also source more components from higher-paying suppliers in the U.S. or Canada to qualify for tariff relief.

  • Despite the higher costs, manufacturing in Mexico remains the cheaper choice in many cases, leading companies to continue investing in the country. Mexican auto parts sector received $3.58 billion in foreign direct investment in 2021, and there are 1,300 Japanese companies operating in Mexico.

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