它们在平流层飞行,高度高达65,000英尺,目的是 “提供一个持久的监视系统,以定位和阻止麻醉品贩运和国土安全威胁”。
这些气球是内华达山脉公司(Sierra Nevada Corporation)的一个项目的一部分,该公司是一家航空航天和国防公司。
世界观公司的首席执行官Ryan Hartman说,挑战在于如何利用平流层的风来创造一种持久的驻留能力。
提供气球的Raven Aerostar公司,已经让气球在高空停留了近一个月。
联邦通信委员会的文件指出,网络包括视频信息,这表明这些气球还可能携带内华达山脉的Gorgon Stare系统,该系统有九个摄像头,记录城市的全景图像。
Gorgon Stare通常部署在无人机上,然而美国陆军在阿富汗使用了系留的间谍飞艇,美国海关和边境保护局在墨西哥边境试用了低空气球。
Raven Aerostar公司、Sierra Nevada公司和Darpa公司正在该项目上进行合作。
The US military is conducting wide-area surveillance tests across six midwest states using experimental high-altitude balloons.
The balloons are being launched from rural South Dakota and drifting 250 miles through an area spanning Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Illinois.
They are travelling in the stratosphere at altitudes of up to 65,000ft and are intended to “provide a persistent surveillance system to locate and deter narcotic trafficking and homeland security threats”.
The balloons are part of a project by the Sierra Nevada Corporation, an aerospace and defence company.
Hi-tech radars installed on balloons to track vehicles day and night.
Tests conducted from mid-July to September following similar flights last year.
FCC license granted to operate.
Southcom, a joint effort by the US army, navy, air force and other forces, is responsible for disaster response, intelligence operations and security cooperation in the Caribbean and Central and South America.
Arthur Holland Michel, the co-director of the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College in New York, said the new technology allows for the surveillance of an area at once, and can be rewound to see who was involved and where they came from.
Southcom is testing new technology that can identify and intercept drug shipments headed for the United States.
Sierra Nevada has provided Southcom with light aircrafts for surveillance of Mexico, Colombia, Panama, and the Caribbean sea.
However, these aircrafts are expensive and can only fly for a few hours.
In 2018, Southcom only successfully interdicted about 6% of known drug movements.
New balloons offer a cheap surveillance platform that can follow multiple cars and boats for extended periods.
The balloons can remain in a given area by ascending or descending due to winds moving in different directions at different altitudes.
Sierra Nevada and US Southcom have not commented on this story.
World View recently announced that its stratospheric balloons could hover over a five-mile-diameter area for six and a half hours and larger areas for days at a time.
Ryan Hartman, CEO of World View, said that the challenge is how to harness the stratospheric winds to create a persistent station-keeping capability.
Raven Aerostar, the company supplying the balloons, has had balloons remain aloft for nearly a month.
Raven also makes balloons for Alphabet subsidiary Loon, which uses them to deliver internet and cellphone service from the stratosphere.
The use of stratospheric balloons is becoming increasingly popular as a way to provide services and capabilities that are difficult to achieve using traditional methods.
Southcom’s balloons are carrying small, satellite-like vehicles with sophisticated sensors and communication gear.
One of the sensors is a synthetic aperture radar to detect cars and boats in motion in a 25-mile swath.
The balloons have mesh networking technologies to communicate with one another and share data.
The FCC filing notes that the networking includes video information, suggesting the balloons may also carry a Sierra Nevada Gorgon Stare system with nine cameras recording panoramic images of a city.
Gorgon Stare is usually deployed on drones, however the US Army has used tethered spy blimps in Afghanistan and US Customs and Border Protection has experimented with low-altitude balloons along the Mexico border.
Surveillance from stratospheric balloons is relatively new and offers wider coverage with lower-resolution images compared to drones.
The US Southern Command has been testing high-altitude balloons, but it is unclear if it is linked to any active investigations.
It is also unknown what will happen to the vehicle data collected during the tests in the Midwest.
Stratospheric balloons are being used for surveillance by the US military as part of the Adaptable Lighter-Than-Air (Alta) program.
Raven Aerostar, Sierra Nevada and Darpa are collaborating on the project.
World View has also completed a dozen surveillance test missions for an unnamed customer.
Both World View and Sierra Nevada are currently preparing for their next surveillance flights.
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链接:Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US | US military | The Guardian