
  • 在日本东北部出现了一个不明的、类似气球的物体,促使当地政府派出了一架调查直升机。

  • 该物体在社交媒体上疯传,人们对其来源产生了猜测和好奇。

  • 周四没有进一步的目击报告,该物体的确切性质仍然不明。

  • 一些人认为它可能是一个来自外国的观测气球,但这一点尚未得到证实。

  • 周三在日本东北部发现的飞行物类似于气象观测站的气球。

  • Yoshihiro Tachibana教授认为,该物体很可能是在外国发射的,并在来自东北亚的强劲西风气流中漂移。

  • 该物体出现在东北地区的上空。

  • 一个气象观测气球升上天空,在高海拔地区由于压力的作用而爆裂。

  • 在日本东北部上空发现的气球可能由于轻微的气体泄漏而漂移到了太平洋上空。

  • 看到挂在气球下面的十字形物体可能是记录和传输数据的设备。

  • 日本气象厅仙台办事处的一名官员证实,天空中看到的物体不是由该机构飞行的。

  • 该机构在早上7点左右收到了关于这个神秘漂浮物的电话,但是由于云层的遮挡,到了晚上就不知道其位置了。

  • 仙台市政府和自卫队不知道该物体是什么。

  • An unidentified, balloon-like object was seen in northeastern Japan on Wednesday, prompting local authorities to send an investigation helicopter.

  • The object went viral on social media, with speculation and curiosity about its origin.

  • No further sightings were reported on Thursday and the exact nature of the object remains unknown.

  • Some believe it may have been an observatory balloon from a foreign country, but this has yet to be confirmed.

  • The flying object spotted in northeastern Japan on Wednesday resembled a meteorological observatory balloon.

  • Professor Yoshihiro Tachibana suggests that the object was likely launched in a foreign country and drifted in the strong westerly air current from northeast Asia.

  • The object was seen in the skies above the Tohoku region.

  • A meteorological observatory balloon rises into the sky and is designed to burst at high altitudes due to pressure.

  • The balloon spotted above northeastern Japan may have drifted out over the Pacific Ocean due to slight gas leakage.

  • The cross-shaped object seen hanging below the balloon may have been equipment to record and transmit data.

  • an official from the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Sendai office confirmed that the object seen in the sky was not flown by the agency.

  • The agency received calls about the mysterious floating object at around 7am, but its location became unknown due to cloud cover by evening.

  • The Sendai municipal government and the Self-Defense Forces had no idea what the object was.

链接:Balloon-like UFO still a mystery after drifting by northeastern Japan