共和党人利用中国军用气球为2024年筹款 I 彭博社

  • 共和党的政治家们正在利用所谓的中国间谍气球事件,通过电子邮件、调查和请愿来筹集资金和收集支持。
  • 美国声称该气球是全球监视计划的一部分,而中国则说这是一个偏离航线的天气监测装置。
  • 在蒙大拿州的天空中看到热气球后,这些电子邮件就被发出去了,这表明政客们可以对有争议的话题迅速做出反应并进行募捐。
  • 一些邮件以冷战为主题,而另一些则攻击拜登总统根据军方的建议击落气球的行为。
  • 参议员凯文-克莱默、罗恩-约翰逊、蒂姆-斯科特和凯蒂-布里特,以及众议员拜伦-多纳兹和马特-盖茨都是利用气球事件进行筹款的政治家。
  • 这些邮件的内容从称中国为入侵者到质疑拜登政府的处理方式,并对他们保卫台湾的能力提出担忧。
  • Republican politicians are using the alleged Chinese spy balloon incident to raise funds and gather support through emails, surveys, and petitions.
  • The US claims the balloon was part of a global surveillance program, while China says it was a weather-monitoring device that went off course.
  • The emails were sent out as soon as the balloon was seen in the Montana sky and demonstrate how politicians can quickly respond and fundraise on controversial topics.
  • Some of the emails play on Cold War themes, while others attack President Biden for shooting down the balloon on the advice of the military.
  • Senators Kevin Cramer, Ron Johnson, Tim Scott, and Katie Britt, and Representatives Byron Donalds and Matt Gaetz are among the politicians who have used the balloon incident in their fundraising efforts.
  • The emails range from calling China an invasion to questioning the Biden administration’s handling of the situation and raising concerns about their ability to defend Taiwan.

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