英国向欧盟支付23亿英镑以解决中国进口争端 I 英国卫报

  • 英国政府已经向欧盟支付了23亿英镑,作为从中国进口到英国的纺织品和鞋类争端的一部分。
  • 本周支付了11亿英镑的最后一笔款项,为该案划上了句号。
  • 此案可以追溯到2017年,当时欧盟反欺诈办公室发现,英国当局允许犯罪分子通过对从中国进口的衣服和鞋子进行虚假申报来逃避关税。
  • 英国在2022年6月支付了6亿多英镑,2023年1月13日支付了6.2亿英镑。
  • 财政部首席秘书约翰-格伦在给下议院的一份书面声明中确认了这笔付款,并表示最后的账单代表了 "已付本金 "的应付利息,并将在这个问题上 “划清界限”。
  • 英国辩称,它采取了适当的措施来打击欺诈行为,但自从该案件提出后,它采取了更多的措施来打击欺诈行为,而不影响合法贸易。
  • The UK government has paid £2.3bn to the EU as part of a dispute over textiles and footwear imported from China into the UK.
  • The final payment of £1.1bn was made this week, bringing the case to a close.
  • The case dates back to 2017, when the EU’s anti-fraud office found that British authorities allowed criminals to evade customs duties by making false claims about clothes and shoes imported from China.
  • The UK made payments of over £600m in June 2022 and £620m on 13 January 2023.
  • The chief secretary to the Treasury, John Glen, confirmed the payment in a written statement to the Commons and said that the final bill represents the interest due on the “principal amounts paid” and will “draw a line” under the issue.
  • The UK has argued that it took appropriate steps to counter the fraud, but since the case was raised, it has taken increased steps to combat fraud without impacting legitimate trade.

链接:UK pays EU £2.3bn to settle China import row | Trade policy | The Guardian