李克强在人大报告中33次提到 "稳定" I 日经亚洲

  • 中国总理李克强在提交给全国人民代表大会的政府工作报告中33次提到 “稳定”,这是在习近平领导下使用该关键词最频繁的一次。

  • 政府工作报告总结了中国上一年的主要政策,并解释了今年的政策。

  • 政府把经济稳定放在首位,对可能与既得利益者对立的改革避而不谈。

  • 中国将稳定价格、就业和供应链。

  • "能源 "一词被使用了14次,比前一年增加了17%,而提到 "食品 "的次数激增89%,达到17次。

  • "改革 "被使用了40次,比去年减少了5%,这表明习近平政府对可能与既得利益者对立的改革有所顾忌。

  • 习近平政府解决经济差距的口号 “共同繁荣”,今年完全没有被引用。

  • 在过去11年中,"中国现代化 "这一短语首次出现,人们认为它涉及国家的发展,同时与民主和人权等西方理想保持距离。

  • 北京被认为是通过提供与西方国家不同的中国式发展方式,在全球南方国家中寻求更强的影响力。

  • "以习近平同志为核心 "这句话被使用了七次,与2022年并列最多,表明自去年秋天举行的十年一次的党代会以来,他的地位已经得到稳固。

  • Chinese Premier Li Keqiang mentioned “stability” 33 times in his government work report to the National People’s Congress, marking the most frequent use of the keyword under Xi’s leadership.

  • The government work report summarizes China’s key policies in the previous year and explains policies for the current year.

  • The government prioritizes economic stability and is shying away from reforms that could antagonize those with vested interests.

  • China will stabilize prices, employment, and supply chains.

  • The phrase “energy” was used 14 times, up 17% from the previous year, and the mention of “food” surged 89% to 17 times.

  • “Reform” was used 40 times, down 5% from last year, suggesting that Xi’s government is shying away from reforms that could antagonize those with vested interests.

  • “Common prosperity,” the Xi government’s slogan for addressing economic disparities, was not cited at all this year.

  • The phrase “Chinese modernization” appeared for the first time in the past 11 years, which is understood to involve developing the nation while keeping a distance from Western ideals such as democracy and human rights.

  • Beijing is thought to seek stronger influence among the Global South by offering a Chinese style of development differing from that of Western nations.

  • The phrase “Comrade Xi Jinping at its core” was used seven times, tied for the most with 2022, signaling that he has solidified his position since the twice-a-decade party congress last fall.

链接:China's Li cites 'stability' 33 times in congress work report - Nikkei Asia