作者John Kachtik是新加坡的政府关系顾问,曾在美国参议院担任国家安全顾问,并为国际共和党研究所指导整个亚洲的对外援助项目。
威斯康星州共和党人迈克-加拉格尔被任命为两党委员会的主席,其他12名共和党人和10名民主党人。国会议员拉贾-克里希纳莫提(Raja Krishnamoorthi)将领导民主党方面的工作,4名亚裔成员也被列入其中。加拉格尔明确指出,他的首要任务是防止在台湾问题上发生第三次世界大战,并确定长期投资以帮助赢得与共产主义中国的新冷战。
波士顿凯尔特人队的球员Enes Kanter最近公开为西藏辩护,导致了关于NBA对中国的人权侵犯保持沉默的争论。
众议员Mike Gallagher称流行的视频应用TikTok为 “数字芬太尼”,并已提出立法禁止它在美国出现。
John Kachtik is a Singapore-based government relations consultant who previously served as a national security adviser in the U.S. Senate and directed foreign assistance programs across Asia for the International Republican Institute.
The U.S. House of Representatives recently voted to create the House Select Committee on China, which will investigate and submit policy recommendations on the status of the Chinese Communist Party’s economic, technological, and security progress and its competition with the United States.
This select committee is different from standing committees as it lacks authority to take legislative action and instead is created to conduct investigations into a specific topic. It will hold televised hearings and summon witnesses.
Wisconsin Republican Mike Gallagher has been appointed to chair a bipartisan committee, with 12 other Republicans and 10 Democrats. Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi will lead the Democratic side, and 4 members of Asian descent have been included. Gallagher has specified his top priorities as preventing World War III over Taiwan and identifying long-term investments to help win a new Cold War with Communist China.
The committee’s work is likely to focus on six areas, including Hollywood’s reshaping of output to appease the Chinese Communist Party. Gallagher has called out The Walt Disney Co. in particular, indicating that Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger could be called as a witness. The committee could have commercial repercussions, creating a market disincentive for compliance with Chinese censors.
The main concern raised by Democrats is that the committee should not exacerbate xenophobia towards Asian Americans. Gallagher has said his mission is to raise the issue of self-censorship in front of the American people. If bipartisanship can be maintained, the committee’s work could have significant implications for the US-China relationship.
The National Basketball Association (NBA) has significant investments in China, estimated to be worth around $15 billion.
In 2019, the NBA was criticized for apologizing to China for a pro-Hong Kong tweet from the Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey.
Enes Kanter, a Boston Celtics player, recently spoke out in defense of Tibet, leading to a controversy about the NBA’s silence on human rights abuses in China.
Congressperson Gallagher has signaled his intention to call NBA Commissioner Adam Silver to testify before the select committee.
This will likely be a second focus for the NBA, as it has to deal with the consequences of its investments in China.
The NBA’s investments in China have led to a complex situation, resulting in criticism from both Democrats and Republicans.
The league has to balance its economic interests in the country with its reputation in the US and its commitment to social justice.
Representative Mike Gallagher has called the popular video app TikTok “digital fentanyl” and has already introduced legislation to ban it from the U.S.
He has also formed a select committee to investigate the app and its parent company, ByteDance, for possible data breaches.
Reports have revealed that ByteDance employees have accessed user data on journalists, including indicators of their location.
This will likely lead to further congressional scrutiny of the app.
Gallagher plans to hold hearings to question TikTok executives about its algorithms and how Beijing utilizes the data.
These hearings may have a significant impact on the future of the app in the U.S.
Microchips, advanced computing and semiconductor products have been restricted from export to China by the Biden Administration, with Intel Chief Executive Pat Gelsinger refraining from criticism.
Temporary exemptions have been issued to South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) and further scrutiny can be expected.
Quantum computing is a key issue for the select committee and if the White House moves ahead with plans to issue export restrictions, this could put credit card details, intellectual property and medical data at risk. Superiority in quantum information science could also mean the ability to cripple an opponent’s corporate, military and government information infrastructure.
The Biden Administration has imposed sweeping restrictions on the export to China of advanced computing and semiconductor products, and Intel Chief Executive Pat Gelsinger has refrained from criticism.
Temporary exemptions have been issued to South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC).
Scrutiny of these exemptions can be expected, and quantum computing will be an issue for the select committee.
If the White House moves ahead with plans to issue export restrictions, this could put credit card details, intellectual property and medical data at risk.
Superiority in quantum information science could also mean the ability to cripple an opponent’s corporate, military and government information infrastructure.
This could be a key factor in the China-U.S. rivalry and could have far-reaching implications for both countries.
The House Select Committee on China is expected to prioritize artificial intelligence technology, which has been an interest of Gallagher’s for some time.
The online tool ChatGPT has sparked excitement around practical AI applications, making it an easy topic for televised hearings.
Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and Biden’s meeting with President Xi Jinping in Bali are examples of congressional action that has provoked China.
The strength of the House Select Committee on China is media attention, however, its weakness is public disinterest.
Provocations by China give Gallagher the opportunity to get committee hearings on television screens.
Gallagher has introduced legislation to block governmental, academic and private-sector cooperation with China on AI research.
Antony Blinken’s planned trip to Beijing was called off after a provocative Chinese surveillance balloon flight over the U.S.
The House Select Committee on China will be focused on AI technology and will use media attention to bring awareness to the public.
链接:CEOs should prepare for U.S. congressional grilling on China - Nikkei Asia