中国对中国版ChatGPT的第一句话是什么? I 连线新闻

  • 中国搜索巨头百度发布了其聊天机器人Ernie Bot,它建立在与OpenAI的ChatGPT类似的机器学习算法之上。

  • Ernie Bot在发布会上的演示是预先录制的,导致了社交媒体上的批评。

  • 百度面临着中国特有的挑战,如遵守政府对在线内容的严格审查准则。

  • 百度必须在创造一个有用的聊天工具和遵守中国的语音控制之间取得平衡。

  • 百度可能不得不引入额外的保障措施,以防止聊天机器人捏造答案或发表不当言论

  • Ernie Bot的训练数据很可能是从中国互联网上收集的,这意味着该机器人的原料在很大程度上是由中国的审查规则策划的。

  • 尽管Ernie Bot褒贬不一,但它似乎是ChatGPT的一个强有力的竞争者。

  • ChatGPT不能在中国使用,尽管它能够用中文进行对话。

  • Chinese search giant Baidu unveiled its chatbot Ernie Bot, built on top of a machine learning algorithm similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT

  • Ernie Bot’s demos at launch were prerecorded, leading to criticism on social media

  • Baidu faces challenges unique to China, such as adhering to strict government censorship guidelines for online content

  • Baidu must balance creating a useful chatbot with conforming to Chinese speech controls

  • Baidu has likely had to introduce additional safeguards to prevent the chatbot from fabricating answers or making inappropriate comments

  • Ernie Bot’s training data was most likely scraped from the Chinese internet, meaning the bot’s feedstock has largely been curated by China’s censorship rules

  • Despite its mixed reception, Ernie Bot appears to be a capable competitor to ChatGPT

  • ChatGPT is not available in China, although it is capable of conversing in Chinese

链接:China’s ChatGPT Rival Needs to Watch Its Words | WIRED