美国对 Covid 起源的不同观点揭示了对中国政策的更深层次分歧 I 卫报

  • 联邦调查局局长克里斯-韦伊认可了Covid-19源自中国实验室的理论,表明美国和中国之间的双边关系正在升级。
  • 实验室泄密的理论表明中国有更大的罪责,并掩盖了它在全球健康危机中扮演的角色。
  • 政府内部的不确定性发生在国会两党都支持对中国采取更鹰派的政策的时候。
  • 新成立的众议院中国委员会在周二晚上的首次听证会上对这种对中国的微妙态度表示不耐烦。
  • 国会和美国半数以上的州已经禁止政府设备使用中国的社交媒体应用程序TikTok。
  • 中国一直试图在欧洲和美国之间制造隔阂,特别是在技术限制方面,但北京拒绝谴责俄罗斯对乌克兰的入侵,使这些努力变得复杂。
  • 中国提出了一个和平计划,它声称该计划是基于 “尊重所有国家的主权”,但它呼吁停火,而不一定要求俄罗斯事先从被占领土撤出。
  • 鉴于其高度的利害关系,美国官员试图缓和这一关系中的紧张局势,但这被证明是越来越困难。
  • 乔-拜登已决定不对美国在中国的投资施加更严厉的限制,并将发布一项行政命令,强调美国投资者的更大透明度,而不是对技术部门的全面禁止。
  • 然而,如果中国推进其所谓的直接武装俄罗斯的计划,美国的制裁政策就会发生决定性的转变。
  • FBI chief Chris Wray has endorsed the theory that Covid-19 originated in a Chinese laboratory, indicating an escalating bilateral relationship between the US and China.
  • The lab-leak theory suggests greater Chinese culpability and covering up of the role it played in the global health crisis.
  • The uncertainty within the administration comes at a time when there is bipartisan support in Congress for a more hawkish policy towards China.
  • The newly formulated House China committee expressed impatience with such delicacy towards China at its inaugural hearing on Tuesday evening.
  • Congress and more than half of US states have banned the Chinese-owned social media app TikTok on government devices.
  • China has sought to drive a wedge between Europe and the US, particularly on technology restrictions, but Beijing’s refusal to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has complicated those efforts.
  • China has presented a peace plan which it claims is based on “respecting the sovereignty of all countries”, but it calls for a ceasefire without necessarily requiring prior Russian withdrawal from occupied territory.
  • US officials have sought to temper the ratcheting up of tension in the relationship given its high stakes, but that is proving increasingly difficult.
  • Joe Biden has decided to stop short of imposing more drastic restrictions on US investment in China and will issue an executive order emphasising greater transparency from US investors rather than a blanket ban on the technology sector.
  • However, if China moved forward with its alleged plans to arm Russia directly, there would be a decisive shift in US sanctions policy.

链接:Competing US views on origins of Covid reveal deeper splits over China policy | US foreign policy | The Guardian