
  • 尽管整体经济出现看涨反弹,但2020年第一季度中国主要电子产品的产量有所下降。

  • 同期,半导体产量下降近15%,智能手机产量缩水13.8%。

  • OPPO、VIVO和小米公司等本土品牌正在努力摆脱一年多来影响安卓手机的销售萎靡。

  • 华盛顿和北京之间的贸易紧张局势正在推动苹果公司等电子品牌在中国以外的地区寻求生产基地。

  • 中国的科技制造业正面临来自印度和越南工厂越来越大的竞争压力。

  • 电子产品装配商正在使其业务的地理分布多样化。

  • 尽管整体经济出现看涨反弹,但中国关键电子产品的产量总体上有所下降。

  • 华盛顿和北京之间的贸易紧张局势正促使电子品牌在中国以外的地方寻找生产地点。

  • 印度和越南的竞争对手正在给中国的科技制造业带来越来越大的压力。

  • 拜登政府已经对与中国半导体行业的贸易实施了限制,阻止中国制造商获得生产尖端硅所需的某些技术。这给中国的芯片雄心设置了一个上限。

  • 在主要电子产品类别中,个人电脑等微型计算机的产量下降最为明显,这对中国的工业总产值产生了负面影响。这反过来又造成了2021年第一季度该国整体国内生产总值增长的放缓。

  • 这一贸易限制的影响体现在股市上,中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司(SMIC)和智能手机制造商小米的跌幅分别高达5.5%和2%。

  • China’s production of key electronics declined in the first quarter of 2020 despite a bullish rebound in the overall economy.

  • Output of semiconductors fell nearly 15% and smartphone production shrank 13.8% in the same period.

  • Local brands such as Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi Corp. are struggling to shake off a sales malaise that has affected Android handsets for over a year.

  • Trade tensions between Washington and Beijing are pushing electronics brands such as Apple Inc. to seek production locations outside of China.

  • China’s tech manufacturing sector is facing increasing competitive pressure from factories in India and Vietnam.

  • Electronics assemblers are diversifying the geography of their operations.

  • China’s production of key electronics has overall declined despite a bullish rebound in the overall economy.

  • Trade tensions between Washington and Beijing are pushing electronics brands to look outside of China for production locations.

  • Competitors in India and Vietnam are putting increasing pressure on China’s tech manufacturing sector.

  • The Biden administration has implemented restrictions on trade with China’s semiconductor industry, preventing Chinese manufacturers from accessing certain technologies needed to produce cutting-edge silicon. This has put a cap on China’s chip ambitions.

  • The output of microcomputers such as PCs saw the most significant decline in the key electronics product classes, which had a negative effect on China’s total industrial output. This in turn caused a slowdown in the country’s overall Gross Domestic Product growth in the first quarter of 2021.

  • The effects of this trade restriction were felt in the stock market, with Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC) and smartphone maker Xiaomi seeing drops of up to 5.5% and 2% respectively.

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