中国对低地球轨道的推动笼罩着西方的扩张努力 I Space News

  • 中国正计划在未来五到十年内在低地球轨道(LEO)部署一个全球宽带网络。

  • 这将对希望最大化其国际用户数量的西方星座运营商产生重大影响。

  • 中国的低地球轨道星座将能够为西方运营商提供强有力的竞争,特别是在与中国有着深厚政治关系的国家。

  • 像白俄罗斯、巴基斯坦、委内瑞拉、玻利维亚、老挝、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、巴西、阿根廷和大多数非洲大国,这些国家过去曾从中国购买过地球同步轨道卫星,它们可能更倾向于将登陆权授予中国的星座,而不是西方的替代品。

  • 中国政府对信息渠道的严格控制意味着外国卫星宽带供应商目前被锁在中国之外。

  • 大多数非中国卫星运营商从中国获得的全球收入不到1%。

  • Inmarsat、Thaicom、APT Satellite和AsiaSat是少数在中国开展业务的外国卫星公司。

  • 分析人士预计,中国将更加注重拥有自己的国内卫星通信能力。

  • 印度今年将成为世界上人口最多的国家,并且正在大步向外国公司开放其空间产业,以利用用户的潜力。

  • 印度正在努力敲定一项新的空间政策,为私营企业提供一个公平的竞争环境。

  • 西方卫星运营商,如Starlink和OneWeb,正在寻求满足印度对更多宽带的需求,因为它放松了保护主义措施。

  • China is planning to deploy a global broadband network in low Earth orbit (LEO) in the next five to ten years.

  • This will have significant impact on Western constellation operators looking to maximise their international subscriber numbers.

  • Chinese LEO constellation will be able to provide strong competition to Western operators, particularly in countries with deep political ties to China.

  • Countries like Belarus, Pakistan, Venezuela, Bolivia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, Argentina, and most large African countries, that have bought GEO satellites from China in the past, may be more inclined to award landing rights to a Chinese constellation over Western alternatives.

  • The Chinese government’s firm grip on information channels means foreign satellite broadband providers are currently locked out of China.

  • Most non-Chinese satellite operators get less than 1% of global revenues from China.

  • Inmarsat, Thaicom, APT Satellite, and AsiaSat are some of the few foreign satellite companies that have done business in China.

  • Analysts expect China to focus more on having its own domestic capabilities for satellite communications.

  • India is set to become the world’s most populous country this year, and is making strides to open up its space industry to foreign companies to capitalise on subscriber potential.

  • India is working to finalise a new space policy that would offer a level playing field to private players.

  • Western satellite operators, such as Starlink and OneWeb, are looking to meet the demand for more broadband in India as it eases protectionist measures.
