中国超级富豪将目光投向新加坡 I 路透社

  • 由于新加坡的税收优惠制度和政治稳定,它一直是外国超级富豪的首选之地。

  • 最近,由于对中国的COVID政策和香港的政治动荡感到不满,迁往新加坡的富人激增。

  • 2021年,新加坡的家族办公室数量已从400家激增至700家,许多知名人士在这个城市国家建立了家族办公室。

  • 新加坡的部分吸引力在于其政府管理的全球投资者计划,在企业、基金或家族办公室投资至少250万新元的人可以申请永久居留权。

  • 2021年,新加坡管理的资产增长了16%,达到5.4万亿新元,其中超过四分之三来自新加坡以外。

  • 财富的涌入是一个更广泛的趋势,即人们在大流行期间出走后返回新加坡,导致租金和房屋价格以及高尔夫俱乐部会员资格的上升。

  • 资金的流入支持了新加坡的金融服务部门和初创企业,创造了一个 “丰富的生态系统”,使该国对新的利益相关者更具吸引力。

  • Singapore has been a popular location for ultra-rich foreigners due to its tax-friendly regime and political stability.

  • Recently, there has been a surge of wealthy people relocating to Singapore due to disenchantment with China’s COVID policies and political turmoil in Hong Kong.

  • The number of family offices in Singapore has surged to 700 in 2021 from 400, with many well-known names setting up family offices in the city-state.

  • Part of Singapore’s attraction is its government-administered global investor program, where people who invest a minimum of S$2.5 million in a business, fund or family office can apply for permanent residency.

  • Singapore’s assets under management grew 16% to S$5.4 trillion in 2021, with over three-quarters coming from outside Singapore.

  • The influx of wealth is part of a wider trend of people returning to Singapore after an exodus during the pandemic, leading to a rise in rents and home prices, and golf club memberships.

  • The inflows of money support Singapore’s financial services sector and startups, creating a “rich ecosystem” that makes the country more attractive to new stakeholders.

链接:Disillusioned at home, super-rich Chinese set their sights on Singapore | Reuters

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