拜登在布林肯访问北京后将提出中国和俄罗斯的 "挑战 I 南华早报

  • 拜登总统将在年度国情咨文中谈到俄罗斯和中国带来的 “挑战”。

  • 国家安全委员会发言人约翰-柯比说,拜登已经召集国际伙伴,特别是北约,以应对俄罗斯的战争,并努力应对中国(PRC)带来的挑战。

  • 这次讲话将在美国国务卿安东尼-布林肯计划在北京举行的会议之后进行,这是自拜登和习近平去年在印度尼西亚举行的20国集团领导人峰会上会面以来双方最高级别的接触。

  • 布林肯将努力恢复与北京的定期双边对话,并解决乌克兰战争等问题。

  • 柯比拒绝回答有关拜登政府限制对华先进高科技出口的新进展的问题。

  • 在美国、荷兰和日本达成协议后,限制向中国出口先进芯片制造设备的问题已经成为双边关系中的一个热门话题。

  • 中国已经向荷兰官员提出了这个问题,中国外交部长秦刚呼吁共同努力,促进全球供应链的稳定和开放的国际贸易。

  • President Biden will address “challenges” posed by Russia and China in the annual State of the Union address.

  • National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that Biden has rallied international partners, particularly NATO, in response to Russia’s war and has made efforts to address the challenge posed by China (PRC).

  • The address will come after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s planned meetings in Beijing, which is the highest-level engagement between the two sides since Biden and Xi Jinping met at the G20 leaders’ summit in Indonesia last year.

  • Blinken will try to restore regular bilateral dialogues with Beijing and address the war in Ukraine among other issues.

  • Kirby declined to respond to questions about new developments in the Biden administration’s efforts to restrict advanced hi-tech exports to China.

  • The issue of restricting exports of advanced chip-making equipment to China has become a hot topic in the bilateral relationship following agreements between the US, Netherlands, and Japan.

  • China has brought up the matter with Dutch officials and Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang called for joint efforts to promote stability in the global supply chain and open international trade.

链接:Biden to raise China and Russia ‘challenges’ in speech to US public days after Blinken visits Beijing | South China Morning Post