拜登考虑完全切断华为在美国的出口,华为的命运成为关注焦点 I 南华早报

  • 据报道,拜登政府正在考虑不向这家中国科技巨头发放更多技术的出口许可证,因此华为可能面临美国贸易制裁的更大压力。
  • 2019年,华为因国家安全理由被列入美国商务部的实体名单,这影响了其智能手机业务。
  • 然而,如果涉及的技术被认为威胁较小,商务部后来同意了某些出口豁免。
  • 拜登政府现在正在考虑撤销这些豁免。
  • 如果得到证实,这将完全切断华为与高通、英伟达和英特尔等美国供应商的联系。
  • 华为在中国仍然是民族自豪感的象征,尽管它不再是智能手机的市场领导者。
  • 分析师们正在密切关注华为的情况,看它是否能经受住美国更严格的审查。
  • 华为正在基于其在5G、人工智能和其他技术方面的专长,加倍致力于工业数字化服务。
  • 华为的轮值主席Eric Xu宣布,该公司已经退出 “危机模式”,并在2023年 “恢复正常经营”。
  • 预计华为2022年的收入将达到6369亿元人民币(945亿美元),与上年相比基本持平。
  • Huawei may face added pressure from US trade sanctions as the Biden administration is reportedly considering not granting export licenses for a wider array of technology to the Chinese tech giant.
  • Huawei was added to the US Department of Commerce’s Entity List on national security grounds in 2019, which has impacted its smartphone business.
  • However, the Commerce Department later agreed to certain export exemptions if the technology involved was deemed less of a threat.
  • The Biden administration is now considering revoking these exemptions.
  • If confirmed, this would completely sever Huawei’s access to US suppliers such as Qualcomm, Nvidia, and Intel.
  • Huawei remains a symbol of national pride in China, even though it is no longer a market leader in smartphones.
  • Analysts are watching Huawei’s situation closely to see if it can survive tighter US scrutiny.
  • Huawei is doubling down on industrial digitalization services based on its expertise in 5G, artificial intelligence, and other technologies.
  • Huawei’s rotating chairman, Eric Xu, has announced that the company has exited “crisis mode” and is “back to business as usual” in 2023.
  • Huawei is expected to report CNY 636.9 billion ($94.5 billion) in revenue for 2022, basically flat compared to the previous year.

链接:Tech war: Huawei’s fate in the spotlight amid reports that Joe Biden is considering cutting it off completely from US exports | South China Morning Post

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