- 自去年7月启动交叉上市计划以来,一些中国工业企业通过全球存托凭证(GDR)在瑞士证券交易所筹集了数十亿美元。
- 当代安培科技有限公司(CATL)是一家重量级的电池企业,正在寻求通过全球存托凭证筹集至少50亿美元,这是中国公司最大的一次此类发行。
- 欧洲已经宣布了到2035年实现零排放的要求,并在本世纪末将新车的排放量降低55%,推动了对绿色汽车的需求。
- 中国的工业企业正在利用这种不断增长的需求来扩大其海外业务,因为进入美国的渠道变窄,而且中国的国内市场有望正常化。
- 在欧洲筹集资金对这些公司很重要,因为它们希望在国外开展业务并得到投资者和消费者的认可,但相对于它们在国内的市值而言,筹集的资金并不庞大。
- 中国企业正带头确保其工业产品被纳入供应链,扩大业务并填补空白。
- 随着中国开始其欧洲路演,这次的计划看起来可能有腿,比亚迪和其他公司生产的电动车在该地区变得更加普遍,并在消费者中建立信任。
- A number of Chinese industrial firms have raised billions of dollars on the SIX Swiss Exchange through global depositary receipts (GDRs) since a cross-listing program was launched in July last year.
- Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. (CATL), a battery heavyweight, is seeking to raise at least $5 billion through GDRs, in the largest such issuance by a Chinese company.
- Europe has announced requirements for zero-emission cars by 2035 and lower emissions for new cars by 55% by the end of the decade, driving demand for green vehicles.
- China’s industrial companies are tapping into this growing demand to expand their overseas businesses, as avenues into the US narrow and China’s domestic market is expected to normalize.
- Raising money in Europe is important for these companies as they look to do business abroad and be recognized by investors and consumers, but the sums raised are not enormous relative to their market capitalizations at home.
- Chinese enterprises are taking the lead to ensure their industrial wares are integrated into supply chains, expanding businesses and filling gaps.
- As China starts its European roadshow, the plan looks like it may have legs this time, with EVs made by BYD and others becoming more common in the region and building trust among consumers.
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