- 白宫证实,一个疑似中国间谍气球在美国上空飞行,对改善两国间已经紧张的关系毫无帮助。
- 由于气球的飞行,美国国务卿安东尼-布林肯推迟了他原定的访华行程。
- 白宫国家安全发言人约翰-柯比驳斥了中国关于该气球是用于气象目的的说法,并表示美国有机会研究该气球,并希望收集有关其运作的情报。
- 美国海岸警卫队已在气球降落的南卡罗来纳州苏尔夫赛德海滩附近水域设置了临时安全区。
- 美国高级官员已提出向上届政府的个人介绍唐纳德-特朗普担任总统时发生的三个中国气球飞越的细节。
- The White House has confirmed that the flight of a suspected Chinese spy balloon over the US has done nothing to improve the already tense relationship between the two countries.
- The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, postponed his planned trip to China due to the balloon’s flight.
- White House national security spokesperson John Kirby dismissed China’s claim that the balloon was for meteorological purposes and stated that the US had the opportunity to study the balloon and hopes to gather intelligence on its operations.
- The US Coast Guard has imposed a temporary security zone in the waters off Surfside Beach, South Carolina where the balloon came down.
- Senior US officials have offered to brief individuals from the previous administration about the details of three China balloons overflights that took place when Donald Trump was president.
链接:White House on China balloon saga: Blinken to reschedule trip when time is right | Reuters