两年来首次向中国运送的澳大利亚煤炭即将靠岸 I 彭博社

  • 两年多来第一批运往中国的澳大利亚煤炭即将抵达,这表明两国的贸易关系正在解冻。

  • 这批货物由 "Magic Eclipse "号散货船装载,包括在澳大利亚开采的冶金煤。

  • 由于两国外交关系紧张,中国在2020年对澳大利亚煤炭的使用进行了限制,但贸易行动也扩展到澳大利亚的其他出口产品,如葡萄酒、大麦和龙虾。

  • 中国是澳大利亚的最大贸易伙伴。

  • 在澳大利亚中左翼工党政府于5月当选后,两国的外交关系有所改善。

  • 两国商务部长周一举行了两年多来的首次双边贸易会谈,他们同意为全面恢复贸易加强对话。

  • The first shipment of Australian coal to China in more than two years is set to arrive, indicating a thaw in trade relations between the two countries.

  • The shipment is on the bulk carrier Magic Eclipse and consists of metallurgical coal mined in Australia.

  • China placed restrictions on the use of Australian coal in 2020 due to diplomatic tensions between the two countries, but trade actions also extended to other Australian exports like wine, barley, and lobsters.

  • China is Australia’s largest trading partner.

  • Diplomatic relations between the two countries have improved following the election of a center-left Labor government in Australia in May.

  • The commerce ministers of the two countries held their first bilateral trade talks in more than two years on Monday, where they agreed to enhance dialogue for the full resumption of trade.

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