俄罗斯高层的死亡让印度和中国感到不安 I 日经亚洲

  • 俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的冲突已经持续了近一年,对军事和民用目标的攻击造成了大量死亡。
  • 情报分析家们注意到了在冲突中被杀的俄罗斯将军的数量,因为大量的将军死亡可能预示着军队的薄弱。
  • 日本情报部门估计,被杀的将军总数超过20人,这被认为是 “令人难以置信的高”。
  • 乌克兰军队的网络战优势和俄罗斯派遣将军到战场的战术被认为是造成将军大量死亡的原因。
  • 另一种可能性是,在俄罗斯控制的两个东部地区可能有线人向乌克兰提供信息。
  • 文章还强调了俄罗斯军队武器装备的劣势,这可能会让作为俄罗斯武器主要进口国的印度感到担忧。
  • 印度的国家安全顾问最近会见了他的美国同行,讨论的话题包括更广泛的军事技术合作以及联合开发和生产。
  • 美国希望拉拢印度,使其成为旨在印度-太平洋地区威慑中国的四方安全集团的核心成员,而军事支持为美国提供了一个谈判的筹码。
  • 俄罗斯将军的死亡所显示出的军事上的不足也可能让北京感到担忧,北京已经悄悄开始向俄罗斯提供军事支持。
  • The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for almost a year, with attacks on both military and civilian targets resulting in numerous deaths.
  • Intelligence analysts have taken note of the number of Russian generals killed in the conflict, as a large number of general deaths can signal a weak military.
  • Japanese intelligence estimates the total number of killed generals to be over 20, which is considered “unbelievably high.”
  • The Ukrainian military’s cyber warfare superiority and Russia’s tactic of sending generals into the field are believed to have contributed to the high number of general deaths.
  • Another possibility is that there may be informants in the two eastern regions controlled by Russia providing information to Ukraine.
  • The article also highlights the inferiority of the Russian military’s weaponry, which may concern India, a major importer of Russian weapons.
  • India’s national security adviser recently met with his American counterpart to discuss topics including broader cooperation on military technology and joint development and production.
  • The US hopes to draw India closer as a core member of the Quad security grouping aimed at deterring China in the Indo-Pacific, and military support gives the US a bargaining chip to do so.
  • The military inadequacies shown by the deaths of Russian generals may also be concerning to Beijing, which has quietly begun providing military support to Russia.

链接:Deaths in Russia's top brass unnerve India and China - Nikkei Asia

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