美国不能指望韩国总统对中国进行排查 I 日经亚洲

  • 韩国总统尹锡悦作为候选人承诺寻求更多的美国终端高空区域防御系统(THAAD)来对抗朝鲜。
  • 然而,自上任以来,尹锡悦已经放弃了这一承诺,试图改善与中国的关系。
  • 尹锡悦政府对THAAD和中国的态度一直很谨慎,政府表示目前没有建立更多THAAD系统的计划。
  • 由于中国对THAAD的经济报复以及对韩国采取更多措施的可能性,尹锡悦谨慎行事。
  • 由于朝鲜最近的导弹试验和可能进行的第七次核试验,尹锡悦对中国的关注也很有限。
  • 尹锡悦仍然是对抗朝鲜的盟友,并加强了与日本的安全关系,但不可能加入四国集团(由民主国家澳大利亚、印度、日本和美国组成)。
  • 尽管态度谨慎,尹锡悦偶尔也会采取更强硬的态度,例如,韩国决定对中国游客实施更严格的入境要求,以遏制COVID-19的传播,以及首尔有可能加入美国领导的Chip 4联盟,使半导体制造多样化。
  • Yoon Suk Yeol, South Korean president, promised as a candidate to seek more American Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) systems to counter North Korea.
  • However, since taking office, Yoon has backed away from this promise in an attempt to improve relations with China.
  • Yoon’s administration has been cautious with its approach to THAAD and China, with the government indicating that there is no current plan for more THAAD systems.
  • Yoon is proceeding cautiously due to China’s economic retaliation over THAAD and the possibility of additional measures against South Korea.
  • Yoon has also been limited in his focus on China due to North Korea’s recent missile tests and potential for a seventh nuclear test.
  • Yoon remains an ally in countering North Korea and has strengthened security ties with Japan, but is not likely to join the Quad (group of democratic nations Australia, India, Japan, and the U.S.).
  • Despite being cautious, Yoon occasionally takes a firmer line, such as South Korea’s decision to impose tougher entry requirements on Chinese visitors to curb the spread of COVID-19 and Seoul’s likelihood to join the U.S.-led Chip 4 alliance to diversify semiconductor manufacturing.
