美国一周内击落四个不明飞行物 I 南华早报

  • 美国战机在美加边境的休伦湖上空击落了另一个飞行物。这是一周前从击落一个疑似中国间谍气球开始的一系列事件中被击落的第四个飞行物。

  • 五角大楼表示,周日被击落的物体曾飞近美国敏感的军事地点,由于其潜在的监视能力而成为一种威胁。

  • 一位资深共和党人指责北京对第一个物体采取了 “好战行为”,这个中国气球于2月4日在美国东海岸被击落。中国称这是一个被吹离航线的气象气球。

  • 美国参议院多数党领袖查克-舒默听取了政府的简报,并说第二个和第三个物体似乎是气球,但比第一个大气球小。

  • 加拿大总理贾斯汀-特鲁多在西部育空地区,第三个不明物体一天前在那里被击落。

  • 各地的行动仍在继续,包括南卡罗来纳州海岸、阿拉斯加的Deadhorse和育空地区。

  • 美国军方周日短暂关闭了密歇根湖上空的空域,周六关闭了蒙大拿州上空的空域,导致美国战机的争夺。

  • 北美航空航天防御司令部说,关闭密歇根湖是为了确保行动期间该地区的空中交通安全。

  • 拜登面临共和党和民主党人要求提高透明度的呼吁。

  • 美国和中国之间的争端使双方本已紧张的关系更加紧张。

  • 美国战机在休伦湖上空击落了另一个飞行物,这是一系列神秘入侵事件中的第四次。

  • 五角大楼表示,该物体因其潜在的监视能力而构成威胁。

  • 一位资深共和党人指责北京对第一个物体–一个中国气球–采取了 “好战行为”。

  • 美国参议院多数党领袖查克-舒默表示,第二个和第三个物体似乎是较小的气球。

  • 各地的行动正在继续,包括南卡罗来纳州海岸、阿拉斯加的Deadhorse和育空地区。

  • 美国军方短暂地关闭了密歇根湖和蒙大拿州上空的空域,导致美国战机争相飞行。

  • 拜登面临共和党和民主党人要求提高透明度的呼吁。

  • 美国和中国之间的争端使双方本已紧张的关系更加紧张。

  • US warplanes have shot down another flying object over Lake Huron on the US-Canadian border. This is the fourth flying object to be shot down in a series of events that began with the downing of a suspected Chinese spy balloon a week ago.

  • The Pentagon stated that the object that was shot down on Sunday had flown close to sensitive US military sites and was a threat due to its potential surveillance capabilities.

  • A senior Republican accused Beijing of “an act of belligerence” regarding the first object, a Chinese balloon shot down on February 4th off the US East Coast. China claims it was a weather balloon that was blown off course.

  • US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer received a government briefing and said the second and third objects appeared to be balloons, but smaller than the first large one.

  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in the western Yukon territory, where the third unidentified object was shot down a day earlier.

  • Operations are continuing in various locations, including the South Carolina coast, Deadhorse, Alaska, and the Yukon.

  • The US military briefly closed the airspace over Lake Michigan on Sunday and over Montana on Saturday, leading to the scrambling of US fighter jets.

  • The North American Aerospace Defence Command said the Lake Michigan closure was to ensure the safety of air traffic in the area during operations.

  • Biden has faced calls for greater transparency from both Republicans and Democrats.

  • The dispute between the US and China is causing additional tension in their already strained relationship.

  • US warplanes have shot down another flying object over Lake Huron, the fourth in a series of mysterious incursions.

  • The Pentagon stated that the object posed a threat due to its potential surveillance capabilities.

  • A senior Republican has accused Beijing of “an act of belligerence” regarding the first object, a Chinese balloon.

  • The second and third objects appeared to be smaller balloons, according to US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

  • Operations are continuing in various locations, including the South Carolina coast, Deadhorse, Alaska, and the Yukon.

  • The US military briefly closed the airspace over Lake Michigan and over Montana, leading to the scrambling of US fighter jets.

  • Biden has faced calls for greater transparency from both Republicans and Democrats.

  • The dispute between the US and China is causing additional tension in their already strained relationship.

链接:US shoots down another mystery object, this time near Canada border | South China Morning Post

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