中国债券涨势消退,未来将出现警告信号 I 彭博社

  • 以房地产公司为主的中国高收益美元债券上周下跌1.8%至78美分,结束了创纪录的13周连涨。
  • 一些投资者认为,最近的反弹更多是反映了较好的情绪,而不是行业基本面的实质性改善。
  • 一些投资者说,最近的反弹提供了足够的证据,表明中国房地产危机最糟糕的时期已经过去。
  • 不同的前景显示在主要的美元债券市场上,全球投资银行正在重新努力,在长达一年的干旱之后恢复开发商的债务销售。
  • 牛市运行的暂停与市场达到关键时刻的其他迹象相吻合,因为投资者在追逐政策引发的进一步上升空间与持续的房地产低迷和违约风险所带来的谨慎之间争论不休。
  • China’s high-yield dollar notes, dominated by those of real estate firms, lost 1.8% to 78 cents last week, ending a record 13-week winning streak.
  • The recent rally was more of a reflection of better sentiment than material improvement in industry fundamentals, according to some investors.
  • Some investors say the recent rally offers enough evidence that the worst of China’s property crisis is over.
  • The diverging outlooks are showing up in the primary dollar bond market, where global investment banks are renewing efforts to revive developers’ debt sales following a yearlong drought.
  • The pause to the bull run coincides with other signs of a market reaching a critical juncture, as investors debate the merits of chasing further policy-induced upside against caution arising from a persistent housing slump and default risks.

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