菲律宾海岸警卫队表示,这一事件使其部分船员暂时失明,是对 “菲律宾主权权利的明显侵犯”。
中国政府为其在第二托马斯浅滩附近的行动辩护,称其行动是相称的,符合国际法,尽管国际法庭在2016年的一项具有里程碑意义的裁决中拒绝 "九段线 "是非法的。
The Philippines has formally complained to the Chinese government after a Chinese coast guard vessel flashed a powerful laser at a Filipino vessel in a disputed part of the South China Sea.
The Philippine Coast Guard stated that the incident temporarily blinded some of its crew and was a “clear violation of Philippine sovereign rights”.
The Chinese government has defended its actions near Second Thomas Shoal as proportionate and in compliance with international law, despite an international tribunal rejecting the “nine-dash line” as illegal in a landmark 2016 ruling.
This incident is the latest sign that diplomatic relations between Manila and Beijing are listing amid renewed tensions in the South China Sea.
The Philippines has filed nearly 200 diplomatic protests against Chinese incursions into Philippine-claimed waters in 2022 alone.
The growing tensions have been driven by the Philippines rapidly warming ties to the United States, its longtime security ally, under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.
The two sides recently agreed to expand the U.S. military’s access to Philippine military facilities, and the U.S. government has stated that it would defend its ally if Philippine forces come under attack in the disputed South China Sea.
The growing concord between Manila and Washington is unlikely to prompt China to back down on its claims in the South China Sea.
In turn, further Chinese aggression will only further cement the U.S.-Philippine alliance.
链接:Philippines Lodges Formal Protests With China Following Laser Incident – The Diplomat