摩根大通:中国是我们最大的机会 I 路透社

  • 摩根大通的全球市场主管Troy Rohrbaugh认为中国是该银行寻求扩大国际业务的最大潜在海外市场。

  • Rohrbaugh指出,中东和迪拜市的变化速度很快,吸引了从亚洲搬迁的企业。

  • 他预计,美联储旨在抑制通货膨胀的利率政策的不确定性将主导市场,使波动性升高,特别是在宏观产品方面。

  • 该银行的固定收益、货币和商品(FICC)交易员去年推动了利润,第四季度固定收益收入增长12%,达到37亿美元。

  • 尽管担心经济放缓,但债务和股票资本市场的表现好于预期。

  • 摩根大通的首席执行官杰米-戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)计划在中国重新开放时访问中国,其对全球增长的影响受到经济学家和商界领袖的密切关注。

  • JPMorgan’s head of global markets, Troy Rohrbaugh, has identified China as the bank’s largest potential overseas market as it seeks to expand its international business.

  • Rohrbaugh noted the rapid pace of change in the Middle East and the city of Dubai, which has attracted businesses relocating from Asia.

  • He expects that uncertainty over the Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy aimed at curbing inflation will dominate markets and keep volatility elevated, particularly in macro products.

  • The bank’s fixed-income, currencies, and commodities (FICC) traders drove profits last year, with fixed-income revenue rising 12% to $3.7 billion in the fourth quarter.

  • Despite concerns about an economic slowdown, debt and equity capital markets were faring better than expected.

  • JPMorgan’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, plans to visit China as the country reopens, with its impact on global growth being closely watched by economists and business leaders.

链接:JPMorgan's top trader sees China as biggest overseas opportunity | Reuters