香港人口连续第三年下降 I 南华早报

  • 2022年,香港人口连续第三年下降近1%,净流出60,000名居民,出生人数达到历史最低点32,500人。

  • 去年有62,100人死亡,人口自然增长连续第三年保持负增长。

  • 政府没有关于香港居民移民的直接统计数据,但地方当局在2021年记录了27,300人的净流出,当时一些国外国家引入了专门的移民途径。

  • 香港人口的下降是由于持续的低出生率和寻求海外定居的居民的外流。

  • 一些西方国家,包括英国、加拿大和澳大利亚,已经为香港人提供了定居计划,以应对北京在2020年在该市实施的国家安全法。

  • 从2020年第二季度到2022年同期,香港的劳动力缩减了约14万人,传闻表明,严格的Covid-19政策已经驱使一些居民离开,包括外籍人士。

  • 政府宣布了一项吸引顶尖人才的全球行动,为年收入250万港币或以上的人以及具有相关经验的世界100强大学毕业生提供特别签证。

  • 香港大学社会科学学院副院长叶兆辉教授表示,该市的低出生率难以解决,即使有政府补贴,也可能只增加几千人。

  • 新民党主席叶刘淑仪建议为使用辅助生殖技术的居民提供5万港元的补贴,并延长此类治疗的储存期,以便在计划生育方面有更大的灵活性。

  • 涵盖11月至1月的滚动三个月期间,经季节性调整的失业率降至3.4%,低于10月至12月的3.5%。

  • Hong Kong’s population has declined for a third consecutive year by nearly 1% in 2022, with a net outflow of 60,000 residents and a record-low of 32,500 births.

  • 62,100 deaths were recorded last year, with natural population growth remaining negative for the third consecutive year.

  • The government has no direct statistics on emigration of Hong Kong residents, but local authorities have recorded a net outflow of 27,300 in 2021 when some foreign countries introduced dedicated immigration pathways.

  • The decline in Hong Kong’s population is due to persistent low birth rates and the outflow of residents seeking to settle overseas.

  • Several western countries, including the UK, Canada, and Australia, have offered settlement schemes for Hongkongers in response to Beijing’s imposition of the national security law in the city in 2020.

  • Hong Kong’s workforce has shrunk by about 140,000 from the second quarter of 2020 to the same period in 2022, and anecdotal evidence suggests strict Covid-19 policies have driven some residents away, including expatriates.

  • The government announced a global drive to attract top talent with a special visa for those who earn HK$2.5 million or more annually and graduates from the world’s top 100 universities with relevant experience.

  • The city’s low birth rate is difficult to resolve, and even with government subsidies, it may only increase the number by a few thousand, according to Professor Paul Yip Siu-fai, associate dean of the University of Hong Kong’s faculty of social sciences.

  • Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, chairwoman of the New People’s Party, suggested providing a subsidy of HK$50,000 for residents using assisted reproductive technologies and extending the storage period for such treatments to allow more flexibility in family planning.

  • The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for the rolling three-month period covering November to January dropped to 3.4%, down from 3.5% for October to December.

链接:Hong Kong’s population drops for 3rd straight year, while city posts net outflow of 60,000 residents in 2022 | South China Morning Post