美国警告中国不要向俄罗斯提供援助 I 金融时报

  • 在美国击落一个疑似中国间谍气球后,两国高层外交官举行了首次面对面的会谈,美国对中国可能在其对乌克兰的战争中向俄罗斯提供致命武器表示担忧。
  • 会议期间,美国国务卿安东尼-布林肯要求中国停止在美国上空使用间谍气球,并警告说,对俄罗斯军队的物质支持将对美中关系产生严重后果。
  • 中国在会后发表了一份坚定的声明,说它永远不会接受美国对其与莫斯科关系的条款发号施令的企图,并呼吁美国改变方向,弥补其滥用武力对双边关系造成的损害。
  • 在间谍气球事件促使布林肯取消计划中的中国之行两周后,两国之间的紧张局势几乎没有缓解的迹象。
  • The US has expressed concern that China may supply lethal arms to Russia in its war against Ukraine after the two countries’ top diplomats held their first face-to-face meeting since the US shot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon.
  • During the meeting, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanded that China cease the use of spy balloons over the US and warned that material support for Russia’s military would have serious consequences for US-China relations.
  • China issued a firm statement after the meeting, saying it would never accept US attempts to dictate the terms of its relations with Moscow and calling on the US to change course and fix the damage done to the bilateral relationship by its abuse of force.
  • There was little sign of tensions easing between the two countries two weeks after the incident with the spy balloon prompted Blinken to cancel a planned trip to China.

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