习近平与普京的关係,还会好下去 I 华尔街日报

  • 中国最高外交官王毅本周访问了莫斯科,表明在对西方的敌意和地缘政治调整日益加剧的情况下,中国和俄罗斯之间深化关系的重要性。

  • 乌克兰冲突加深了俄罗斯在世界上的孤立,增加了其对中国的经济依赖性。

  • 俄罗斯对中国日益增长的依赖使北京在促进其地缘政治优先事项方面获得了宝贵的资产,包括俄罗斯在联合国安理会的否决权。

  • 自从习近平和普京宣布对俄中友谊 "不设限 "以来,北京在乌克兰冲突问题上寻求中间立场,呼吁和平,但拒绝批评俄罗斯的入侵,并将美国描述为冲突的主要煽动者。

  • 美国和中国在慕尼黑安全会议期间举行了一次不定期的会议,在这次会议上,王晓初利用一次演讲将美国对中国气球出现在美国领空的反应描述为 “几乎歇斯底里”。

  • 布林肯警告说,美国掌握的信息表明,中国正 “考虑为莫斯科在乌克兰的战争提供致命的支持”,这将给美国与中国的关系带来严重问题。

  • 王毅对莫斯科的访问可能为习近平今年晚些时候访问俄罗斯铺平道路,展示普京和习近平之间的融洽关系。

  • 习近平与普京的个人关系可能比任何其他国际领导人都要好,自2013年以来,两人已经会面39次,在对方国家出席了高调的活动。

  • 中国和俄罗斯之间不断加深的关系反映了他们对全球秩序对他们不公平的共同看法,美国总是拥有更大的发言权,而民主是一个灵活的术语。

  • 中国和俄罗斯之间的军事关系继续加强,在印度洋与南非进行了海军演习。

  • 虽然习近平公开反对使用核武器并试图设定一些界限,但普京却暗示了在乌克兰冲突中使用核武器的策略。

  • China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, visited Moscow this week, signaling the importance of the deepening relationship between China and Russia in the face of growing animosity toward the West and geopolitical realignments.

  • The Ukraine conflict has deepened Russia’s isolation in the world and increased its economic dependence on China.

  • Russia’s growing reliance on China has given Beijing a valuable asset in promoting its geopolitical priorities, including Russia’s veto at the United Nations Security Council.

  • Since Xi Jinping and Putin declared “no limits” to Russia-China friendship, Beijing has sought a middle ground on the Ukraine conflict, calling for peace but declining to criticize Russia’s invasion and portraying the US as the chief instigator of the conflict.

  • The US and China held an unscheduled meeting on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, in which Wang used a speech to describe the US reaction to the appearance of a Chinese balloon in US airspace as “nearly hysterical.”

  • Blinken warned that the US has information that China is “considering providing lethal support” to Moscow for its war in Ukraine, which would cause a serious problem for the US in its relationship with China.

  • Wang’s visit to Moscow could pave the way for Xi to visit Russia later this year, showcasing the rapport between Putin and Xi.

  • Xi likely has better personal ties with Putin than any other international leader, and the two men have met 39 times since 2013, attending high-profile events in each other’s countries.

  • The deepening relationship between China and Russia reflects their shared view of global order being unfair to them, the US always having the bigger say, and democracy being a flexible term.

  • The military ties between China and Russia continue to strengthen, with naval drills being conducted in the Indian Ocean with South Africa.

  • While Xi has publicly opposed the use of nuclear weapons and attempted to set some boundaries, Putin has hinted at a strategy of using them in the Ukraine conflict.

链接:Chinese Visit to Moscow Showcases Deepening Ties With Russia - WSJ

Roger Zelazny的小说”Lord of Light” (1967)描述了一群革命者。他们改变社会的方式是改变社会对技术的态度。Zelazny称他们为“加速主义者”。这可能是这个概念的第一次出现。之后的陆续几十年,一些可以被称为加速主义的思想陆续出现。#美国限电