中国敦促欧洲结束敌对行动 I 路透社

  • 中国外交官王毅在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰一周年之际访问俄罗斯之前,呼吁在欧洲进行谈判和实现和平。

  • 王毅将俄罗斯视为制衡美国全球力量的盟友,并避免谴责2022年2月24日对乌克兰的入侵。

  • 匈牙利是北约和欧盟的成员,与莫斯科的关系比这些集团的其他成员更密切,并正在寻求新的中国投资。

  • 匈牙利总理维克多-欧尔班重申了作为北约成员对匈牙利的重要性,但拒绝向乌克兰运送武器或切断与俄罗斯的经济联系。

  • 王晓初重申了中国与匈牙利建立更紧密经济关系的承诺,包括通过中国的 "一带一路 "倡议。

  • 中国的CATL计划在匈牙利建造一个73亿欧元(78亿美元)的电池厂,据匈牙利外交部长称,四家大型中国企业可能会给匈牙利带来价值80亿至100亿欧元的额外投资。

  • Chinese diplomat Wang Yi calls for negotiations and peace in Europe ahead of his visit to Russia on the one-year anniversary of its invasion of Ukraine.

  • Wang views Russia as an ally to counterbalance US global power and has refrained from condemning the Feb 24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

  • Hungary, a member of both NATO and the EU, has closer ties to Moscow than other members of these groups and is seeking new Chinese investment.

  • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has reiterated the importance of being a NATO member for Hungary but has refused to send arms to Ukraine or sever economic ties with Russia.

  • Wang has reaffirmed China’s commitment to closer economic ties with Hungary, including through China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

  • China’s CATL plans to build a €7.3 billion ($7.8 billion) battery plant in Hungary, and according to the Hungarian Foreign Minister, four large Chinese corporations could bring additional investments worth €8 billion to €10 billion to Hungary.

链接:China's top diplomat urges end to hostilities ahead of Moscow visit | Reuters