中国外长:不要为乌克兰冲突 "火上浇油 I 英国卫报

  • 中国新任外交部长秦刚指责美国将乌克兰战争的责任推给中国。

  • 此前,美国国务卿安东尼-布林肯警告说,中国正在考虑向俄罗斯提供 “致命的援助”。

  • 在入侵乌克兰的几周前,中国与莫斯科签署了无限制的伙伴关系,并拒绝谴责入侵行为。

  • 一些中国高级官员明确表示支持俄罗斯的目标,但中国以中立方自居,指责美国和北约助长冲突。

  • 中国最高外交官、前外交部长王毅在前往莫斯科的途中在匈牙利停留时,呼吁乌克兰和俄罗斯之间通过谈判解决问题。

  • 秦刚说,中国对乌克兰战争的升级和可能的失控 “深表关切”。

  • 中国政府推出了一份关于其全球安全倡议的文件,描述了北京计划所依据的理想和原则。

  • 该倡议将得到联合国的支持,并倡导共同安全的概念,尊重和保障每个国家的安全,通过对话和协商解决争端。

  • 它还拒绝使用制裁,强调尊重所有国家的主权和领土完整。

  • 中国指责美国加剧了台湾的紧张局势,并声称美国一直在威胁中国的主权和领土完整。

  • 台湾总统蔡英文在一个论坛上说,她的政府正在加强与美国的军事关系,并将与美国和其他政府在包括专制扩张主义在内的问题上进行合作。

  • 中国官员和国家媒体显然开展了一场针对华盛顿的联合行动,国家媒体发表了多篇关于 "美国霸权的危险 "的文章、信息图表、专栏文章和评论文章。

  • 北京指责西方国家试图阻碍中俄贸易,作为其对莫斯科进行的一系列经济制裁的一部分。

  • 澳大利亚国立大学澳大利亚中国问题研究中心的中国问题专家宋文帝说,这份概念文件在很大程度上似乎是一项战略信息传递工作,而不是一项经过充分考虑的战略。

  • 该文件列出了它认为是最佳载体的多边机构,包括亚细安、非洲联盟和阿拉伯联盟,但没有提到欧洲联盟或欧洲的任何区域组织。

  • 北京在乌克兰战争问题上的暧昧态度仍在继续,因为它想帮助俄罗斯,而中国仍以中立方自居。

  • China’s new foreign minister, Qin Gang, accused the US of shifting blame for the Ukraine war on to China.

  • This came after US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, warned that China was considering providing “lethal assistance” to Russia.

  • China signed a no-limits partnership with Moscow weeks before the invasion of Ukraine and has refused to condemn the invasion.

  • Some senior Chinese officials have offered explicit support for Russia’s aims but China has presented itself as a neutral party and accused the US and NATO of fuelling the conflict.

  • China’s top diplomat and former foreign minister, Wang Yi, called for a negotiated settlement between Ukraine and Russia during a stopover in Hungary on his way to Moscow.

  • Qin Gang said that China was “deeply concerned” about the war in Ukraine escalating and possibly spiralling out of control.

  • The Chinese government launched a paper on its global security initiative that described the ideals and principles underpinning Beijing’s plan.

  • The initiative would be UN-backed and advocate a concept of common security, respecting and safeguarding the security of every country, to resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation.

  • It also rejected the use of sanctions and emphasized respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries.

  • China has accused the US of fueling tensions in Taiwan and claimed that the US has been threatening China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

  • Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, told a forum that her government was bolstering military ties with the US and would cooperate with it and other governments on issues including authoritarian expansionism.

  • There has been an apparent concerted campaign by Chinese officials and state media against Washington, with state media publishing multiple essays, infographics, op-eds and commentary pieces on “the perils of US hegemony”.

  • Beijing has accused the West of seeking to hinder China-Russia trade as part of its suite of economic sanctions against Moscow.

  • Wen-Ti Sung, a China expert at Australia National University’s Australian Centre on China in the World, said the concept paper appeared to be largely a strategic messaging exercise rather than a fully thought out strategy.

  • The paper listed multilateral institutions it saw as the best vehicles, including Asean, the Africa Union, and the Arab League, but did not name the European Union or any regional organization in Europe.

  • Beijing’s ambiguity over the Ukraine war continues as it wants to help Russia, and China still presents itself as a neutral party.

链接:China foreign minister warns against ‘fuelling the fire’ over Ukraine conflict | China | The Guardian

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