香港的顶层建筑面临中国的 "共同繁荣 I 华盛顿邮报

  • 香港政府正在启德的一块土地上建造超过10,000个临时公共住房单位,这块土地曾被保留为商业用途,引起了豪华公寓业主的不满。

  • 政府的目标是用两年时间建造这些单位,让有需要的家庭在那里居住五年,然后将土地归还原用途。

  • 这个 "轻型公共住房 "计划将为面积为330平方英尺的单位提供最多2,650港元(338美元)的月租,这与附近价格为15,000港元以上的豪华单位形成鲜明对比。

  • 启德居民担心他们的房产价格会下降,开发商可能会急于出售现有库存,并提供折扣和回扣。

  • 香港的建筑商已经开始采用降价的方式来促进他们的销售,根据彭博情报局的数据,今年可能会有17个新项目的超过1万个单位涌入市场。

  • 政府对社会住房的热情正在改变香港高端住宅房地产的格局,而对早期计划的缺乏承诺可能导致开发商在土地竞标中变得更加保守。

  • 政府本可以为公共住房选择一个不那么重要的地点,而是等待更好的竞标者来竞标启德地块,但李嘉诚对社会住房的热情令人钦佩。

  • The Hong Kong government is building over 10,000 temporary public housing units on a plot of land in Kai Tak that was reserved for commercial use, causing dismay among owners of luxury apartments.

  • The government aims to spend two years constructing the units, allow families in need to live there for five years, and then return the land for its original purpose.

  • The “light public housing” scheme will offer monthly rents for units measuring 330 square feet for at most HK$2,650 ($338), a significant contrast to luxury units nearby which can cost HK$15,000 and up.

  • Kai Tak residents worry that their property prices will fall, and developers might rush to sell existing stock and offer discounts and rebates.

  • Hong Kong’s builders have already started resorting to price cuts to boost their sales, and more than 10,000 units from 17 new projects could come to flood the market this year, according to Bloomberg Intelligence.

  • The government’s enthusiasm for social housing is changing the landscape of high-end residential real estate in Hong Kong, and the lack of commitment to earlier plans could cause developers to get more conservative in land bidding.

  • The government could have chosen a less prime location for public housing and waited for better bidders for the Kai Tak parcel instead, but Lee’s enthusiasm for social housing is admirable.


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