德国和中国就西方向乌克兰提供武器发生冲突 I 卫报

  • 德国外长拒绝了中国关于西方通过武装乌克兰使局势恶化的说法,并敦促中国告诉俄罗斯停止其侵略。

  • 中国驻联合国特使坚持认为,西方国家武装乌克兰是火上浇油,这引起了贝尔博克的强烈反驳。

  • 中国提出了一系列措施,包括停火、对话、对俄罗斯的安全保障、保护平民和维护领土完整,试图将自己置于冲突之上。

  • 巴尔博克警告说,如果俄罗斯不停止战斗,将继续遭受痛苦,并呼吁各国发出明确的信号,表明战争即将结束。

  • 联合国的辩论标志着入侵的周年纪念,并被视为世界舆论的一个重要晴雨表。

  • 法国外交部长向可能的弃权者发出呼吁,称战争是 “每个人的事”,并强调 “中立可能等同于与侵略者同谋”。

  • The German foreign minister rejected China’s claim that the west was worsening the situation by arming Ukraine and urged China to tell Russia to stop its aggression.

  • The Chinese envoy to the UN insisted the west was adding fuel to the fire by arming Ukraine, provoking a powerful rebuttal from Baerbock.

  • China proposed a catalogue of measures, including a ceasefire, dialogue, security guarantees for Russia, protection of civilians and the upholding of territorial integrity, in an attempt to present itself as above the conflict.

  • Baerbock warned of continued suffering if Russia did not stop fighting and called on countries to send a clear signal that the war was coming to an end.

  • The UN debate marked the anniversary of the invasion and is seen as an important barometer of world opinion.

  • The French foreign minister appealed to the likely abstainers, saying the war was “everyone’s business” and stressing that “neutrality can amount to complicity with the aggressor.”

链接:Germany and China clash over west’s supply of weapons to Ukraine | Ukraine | The Guardian

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