法国外交部长向可能的弃权者发出呼吁,称战争是 “每个人的事”,并强调 “中立可能等同于与侵略者同谋”。
The German foreign minister rejected China’s claim that the west was worsening the situation by arming Ukraine and urged China to tell Russia to stop its aggression.
The Chinese envoy to the UN insisted the west was adding fuel to the fire by arming Ukraine, provoking a powerful rebuttal from Baerbock.
China proposed a catalogue of measures, including a ceasefire, dialogue, security guarantees for Russia, protection of civilians and the upholding of territorial integrity, in an attempt to present itself as above the conflict.
Baerbock warned of continued suffering if Russia did not stop fighting and called on countries to send a clear signal that the war was coming to an end.
The UN debate marked the anniversary of the invasion and is seen as an important barometer of world opinion.
The French foreign minister appealed to the likely abstainers, saying the war was “everyone’s business” and stressing that “neutrality can amount to complicity with the aggressor.”
链接:Germany and China clash over west’s supply of weapons to Ukraine | Ukraine | The Guardian