美国能源部:新冠病毒来自中国的实验室泄漏,但报告可信度低 I 南华早报

  • 美国能源部表示,Covid-19极有可能不是来自于实验室的泄漏,其可信度很低。
  • 在官员们考虑了新的情报并咨询了非政府专家之后,在一份机密报告中与白宫官员和一些国会官员分享了这个结论。
  • 各机构发现,关于自然发生和实验室泄漏的两种理论仍有可能。
  • 联邦调查局认为发生了实验室泄漏,并有 “适度的信心”,而中央情报局在自然传播和实验室泄漏之间没有决定权。
  • 国家情报委员会认为,病毒是由受感染的动物自然传播的,“信心不足”。
  • 拜登总统要求将隶属能源部的国家实验室纳入评估范围,以帮助确定发生了什么。
  • 情报界有各种观点,但一些机构表示,他们没有足够的信息来确定。
  • The US Department of Energy has said that Covid-19 most likely did not originate from a laboratory leak with “low confidence”.
  • The conclusion was shared in a classified report with officials in the White House and some in Congress after officials considered new intelligence and consulted non-government experts.
  • Agencies have found that both theories about a natural occurrence and a lab leak remain possibilities.
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation believes a lab leak occurred with “moderate confidence” while the Central Intelligence Agency is undecided between natural transmission and a lab leak.
  • The National Intelligence Council believes that the virus was transmitted naturally from an infected animal with “low confidence”.
  • President Biden has requested that the National Labs, which are part of the Department of Energy, be included in the assessment to help determine what happened.
  • There are a variety of views in the intelligence community, but several agencies have said that they don’t have enough information to be sure.

链接:US agency says Covid-19 likely emerged from China lab leak: reports | South China Morning Post