中国复苏押在闲置的集装箱船上 I 彭博社

  • 集装箱船的未使用船舶能力处于高位,表明由于经济增长疲软和通货膨胀率上升,全球贸易放缓,减少了从亚洲顶级制造中心向美国和欧洲运输货物的需求。

  • 全球集装箱船队中约有4.1%的船只(能够运载106.7万个20英尺集装箱箱)在2月份闲置,是一年前的两倍。

  • 许多闲置的集装箱船在中国附近,预计随着世界第二大经济体从清零政策限制中恢复过来并重新开放出口,需求将出现反弹。中国的出口取决于欧洲和美国的需求复苏,而这两个国家由于通货膨胀继续面临挑战。

  • 这些船只被停在主要出口中心附近,以便处于随时可出的状态,而且停在中国比停在港口费较高的新加坡附近更便宜。

  • 一些船东正在抓紧时间维修,因为租船时间表不那么紧张了,而且集装箱即期运费下降到两年半以来的最低水平,这使得现在是把许多船从船队中取出来维修的好时机。

  • 尽管对中国经济快速复苏的乐观情绪在增长,但仍然无法确定全球贸易需要多长时间才能回升。人们期望潜在的反弹即将到来,但可能还需要几个月的时间来激活船舶。

  • Unused vessel capacity for container ships is at a high level, indicating a slowdown in global trade due to weaker economic growth and higher inflation, reducing the need for shipping goods from Asia’s top manufacturing hubs to the US and Europe.

  • Approximately 4.1% of the global container fleet, capable of carrying 1.067 million 20-foot container boxes, was idle in February, double the amount a year earlier.

  • Many idled container ships are near China, anticipating a rebound in demand as the world’s second-largest economy recovers from Covid Zero restrictions and reopens its exports. The nation’s exports depend on demand recovery in Europe and the US, which continue to face challenges due to inflation.

  • The vessels are being parked near main export centers to be in a ready-to-go position, and it is cheaper to park them in China than near Singapore, where port fees are higher.

  • Some owners are catching up on repairs due to chartering schedules being less tight, and spot container freight rates falling to the lowest levels in two and a half years, making it a good time to take many ships out of the fleet for maintenance.

  • It remains uncertain how long it will take for global trade to pick up, even as optimism grows for a rapid economic recovery in China. There are expectations that a potential rebound is coming, but it could take a few more months for the ships to be activated.

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