中国立法机构和政治咨询机构的 "两会 "年度会议将于周六开始,完成领导层交接并调整政府高层职位。
The “two sessions” annual meetings of China’s legislature and political advisory body are starting on Saturday, completing a leadership transition and reshuffling top government jobs.
China will announce its GDP growth target, roll out major economic policies, and address key concerns at the meetings.
The top leadership team is widely expected to set the growth target at above 5% this year, with supportive macro policies, including a slightly higher headline fiscal deficit and more property policy easing.
Experts said it’s unclear how steady and sustainable China’s recovery will be, facing headwinds such as slowing overseas demand for its exports, rising geopolitical risk, and trouble in the property sector.
Global financial institutions expect the Chinese economy to grow by more than 5.5% in 2023.
Restoring business confidence in China, especially for multinationals, is a work in progress for authorities.
Small- and medium-sized exporters are facing difficulties, but the government is responding with better targeted policies, including subsidies for export credit insurance and increased credit lines.
Construction of infrastructure projects that were halted has restarted, and the government is set to borrow more to drive recovery.
However, weaker exports might offset these efforts, and a rebound as strong as in 2021 is not expected due to external environmental uncertainties and geopolitical risks.