Meta计划向中国销售Quest 2虚拟现实头盔 I 南华早报

  • Facebook的母公司Meta Platforms正在与腾讯控股合作,将其Quest 2 VR头显带给中国消费者。
  • 腾讯的扩展现实(XR)团队与Meta的合作已经进行了四个月。
  • 与腾讯的分销协议将使Meta公司进入中国消费者市场,创始人兼CEO马克-扎克伯格长期以来一直希望打入这一市场。
  • Facebook和其他西方互联网服务在中国仍然被封锁,尽管它继续在中国经营广告业务。
  • Meta Quest 2目前是世界上最畅销的VR头盔,但它面临着来自ByteDance的Pico的竞争,该产品在2022年第三季度占据了全球市场的15%左右,而Meta的份额从90%降至75%。
  • 腾讯曾想收购中国游戏智能手机制造商黑鲨,打算将该团队转向生产与元数据相关的VR头盔,但在去年未能获得政府批准后,它退出了这项交易。
  • 腾讯表示,它正在改变其XR战略,并对其团队进行调整,同时否认关于该公司正在解散该部门的报道。
  • 2021年被字节跳动收购的Pico正在进行一轮裁员,预计将影响数百名员工,一些团队的裁员幅度高达30%。
  • Facebook’s parent company Meta Platforms is partnering with Tencent Holdings to bring its Quest 2 VR headset to Chinese consumers.
  • Tencent’s extended reality (XR) team has been working with Meta on the collaboration for four months.
  • A distribution deal with Tencent would allow Meta to make inroads into the Chinese consumer market, which founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has long hoped to break into.
  • Facebook remains blocked in China along with other Western internet services, although it continues to run an advertising business in the country.
  • Meta Quest 2 is currently the world’s bestselling VR headset but it faces increased competition from ByteDance’s Pico, which held around 15% of the global market in the third quarter of 2022, while Meta’s share fell to 75% from 90%.
  • Tencent had wanted to acquire Chinese gaming smartphone maker Black Shark, with the intention of pivoting the team to producing VR headsets for metaverse-related content, but it backed out of the deal last year after failing to obtain approval from the government.
  • Tencent said it was changing its XR strategy and making adjustments to its team, while denying reports that the company was dissolving the unit.
  • Pico, which was acquired by ByteDance in 2021, is conducting a round of layoffs expected to affect hundreds of employees, with some teams trimmed by as much as 30%.

链接:Meta in talks to sell Quest 2 virtual reality headset in China after failing to bring Facebook to the country: report | South China Morning Post