
  • 由于对其人工智能处理器的蓬勃需求推动了周四半导体股票的上涨,Nvidia有望成为第一家估值超过10亿美元的芯片制造商。此举将使其市值增加近2000亿美元,超过英特尔、AMD或高通的全部价值,也是有史以来美国股票的最大单日涨幅。台湾制造商台积电和荷兰设备制造商ASML等芯片供应商也报告了收益。

  • 包括Nvidia最强大的H100处理器在内的产品已经成为备受追捧的产品,不仅是大科技公司,还有新一波的人工智能初创公司。Nvidia被认为是唯一一家其技术能够满足整个行业建立生成性人工智能需求的公司。AMD、美光、微软和谷歌也在盘前交易中上涨,而英特尔则下跌1%。

  • 近年来,Nvidia的股票与之前围绕加密货币和早期人工智能的炒作浪潮一起涨跌。Nvidia的首席执行官Jensen Huang黄仁勋说,15年的投资和扩大生产能力使Nvidia在正确的时间处于正确的位置,当时ChatGPT掀起了世界上最富有的公司的更大投资周期。生成性人工智能现在正成为世界上大多数数据中心的主要工作负载,引发了向加速计算的转变。

  • Nvidia is on course to become the first chipmaker to be valued at more than $1tn, as booming demand for its artificial intelligence processors drove semiconductor stocks higher on Thursday. The move would add almost $200bn to its market capitalisation, more than the entire value of Intel, AMD or Qualcomm and the biggest one-day gain ever for a US stock. Chip suppliers such as Taiwanese manufacturer TSMC and Dutch equipment maker ASML also reported gains.

  • Products including Nvidia’s most powerful H100 processor have become much sought after, not only by Big Tech companies but a new wave of AI start-ups. Nvidia is seen as the only company whose tech is capable of meeting demand from across the industry to build generative AI. AMD, Micron, Microsoft and Google were also up in pre-market trading, while Intel fell 1%.

  • Over recent years, Nvidia’s stock has risen and fallen alongside previous waves of hype around cryptocurrencies and earlier generations of AI. Jensen Huang, Nvidia’s chief executive, said the 15 years of investment and expanding production capability left Nvidia in the right place at the right time when ChatGPT set off an even bigger investment cycle by the world’s richest companies. Generative AI is now becoming the primary workload of most of the world’s data centres, triggering a shift towards accelerated computing.