Ontario Science Centre to Refund Summer Camps Amid Roof Crisis;Hong Kong Ditches AstraZeneca Over Sa时长0:19:5

节目标题:Ontario Science Centre to Refund Summer Camps Amid Roof Crisis;Hong Kong Ditches AstraZeneca Over Sa
节目介绍:Welcome to our show, College Briefing! Today, we have an exciting lineup of stories to share with you. First up, the Ontario Science Centre is set to refund families who registered for summer camps after being forced to close due to roof deterioration. Not only will affected families receive their money back, but they also get a chance to attend an alternative camp for free. Talk about turning a bad situation into a learning experience! Next, we dive into a revelation from Hong Kong, where a new book by Professor Yuen Kwok-yung sheds light on why the city abandoned 7.5 million doses of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine in 2021. Safety concerns, including risks of transverse myelitis and blood clotting, prompted this significant decision. Finally, we turn our attention to the Christian Zheng Sheng College in Hong Kong, which has suspended operations after its bank accounts were frozen amid theft allegations. The school, known for rehabilitating young drug offenders, now stands deserted, save for one student and a few pets. Please stay tuned for the detailed stories!

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