摄氏零下79度!极地寒流来袭 美国再现末日景象(视)
法新社报导,一个世代难得一见的“极地寒流”(arctic blast)4日在美国东北部和加拿大造成危险的低温,美国国家气象局警告,民众在户外待5分钟就可能冻伤。
New Hampshire's Mount Washington sees record cold, stunning -108 wind chill amid arctic blast https://t.co/l87LRtqYu6
— Fox News (@FoxNews) February 4, 2023
美国气象局表示,在新罕布夏州的华盛顿山(Mount Washington)山顶,夜间的寒风指数(wind chill factor),亦即在低温和寒风下的体感温度,降到摄氏零下79度,打破之前的零下74度低温纪录。
Morning has broken and here is the view from atop Mt. Washington where the wind chill is still -102F with sustained winds at 97 mph and a temperature of -42F. #winter @spann @foxweather @MWObs #arcticblast pic.twitter.com/0xhRbnFwfr
— Tom Niziol (@TomNiziol) February 4, 2023
Quite a brisk morning in Boston today, but I managed to photograph the sea smoke from the arctic blast so you don’t have to go outside #boston #seasmoke #arcticblast pic.twitter.com/4JrR5zL0xg
— Matthew Raifman️ (@MatthewRaifman) February 4, 2023
[2/3 3PM] Wow absolutely prolific #waterspout activity over Lake Champlain today as viewed from downtown Burlington! #vtwx #arcticblast #btv pic.twitter.com/o9TrGrk3X1
— Rodney Chai (@RodneyChaiWX) February 3, 2023
What I do during my break. It's not a true arctic blast without taking part in this classic cold weather trick! pic.twitter.com/2g8h9YZX7V
— Zack Duhaime (@theWeatherlord) February 4, 2023
Several cities in the northeastern United States enacted emergency measures to protect the homeless population. The Arctic blast also caused "frostquakes" from sudden snaps in frozen soil. https://t.co/8OudQn07b1
— DW News (@dwnews) February 5, 2023
Sun, 05 Feb 2023 17:21:08 GMT 原文链接🔗:Upper Midwest, Northeast bracing for arctic blast bringing sub-zero temps, 'life-threatening' wind chill https://t.co/2ehaQd1uCL
— Fox News (@FoxNews) February 3, 2023