
  • 《纽约时报》研究了中国工程院和中国科学院在过去四年里发表的讣告。

  • 去年年底,讣告的激增与冠状病毒在全国的迅速蔓延相吻合。尽管中国实行了严格的封锁和大规模测试的 "动态清零"政策,但还是发生了这种情况。

  • 在政府于12月初放弃该政策后,病例飙升,讣告数量增加,表明有大量的学院成员受到了病毒的影响。

  • 当中国取消Covid限制时,医院不堪重负,殡仪馆难以处理尸体。尽管如此,政府只报告了几十例死亡,这引起了对其缺乏透明度的批评。

  • 最近几周公布了更多数据,包括据说有8万例死亡。然而,专家们认为这是一个低估的数字,因为它只占在医院死亡的人,可能导致未来几个月估计有100万人死亡。

  • Covid检测在很大程度上被医院放弃了,因此很难确定准确的死亡人数。香港大学的金博士认为,提供准确的信息是政府的工作,但他们没有做好自己的工作。

  • 死者包括分子生物学家、核物理学家和农业化学专家。

  • 一位院士,马建章,86岁,是一位野生动物科学家,专门研究西伯利亚虎。

  • 他帮助建立了中国唯一的野生动物和自然保护区学院,并领导中国动物学会和中国野生动物保护协会等团体。

  • 通过电话联系到马教授,他的一位亲戚说,她不知道他是否感染了Covid,因为他没有接受测试。

  • 她补充说,他还有其他潜在的疾病。

  • "这位名叫傅群的亲戚说:"在外界看来,他可能是一个有巨大成就或影响力的人。“对我们的家庭来说,他作为一种精神领袖更为重要。我们都非常尊重他。”

  • 从讣告中得出的数据远非结论性的。

  • 这些机构也没有回答关于讣告–包括爆发期间和之前的讣告–是否穷尽了所有已故学者的问题。

  • 从2019年到2021年,哈尔滨工业大学在12月和1月有1到3份教授和工作人员的讣告发表。

  • 这个数字在2020年12月至2021年1月期间大幅增加到29人死亡。- 北京大学是中国最著名的大学之一,也有教职工和教授的讣告发表。

  • 过世的人包括68岁的罗晓春,前外语系图书馆馆长;91岁的赵炳华,北京大学护理学院的创始人;以及93岁的郭锡良,一位语言学家,他在90多岁时还在继续出版中国古代语音学的书籍。

  • 在2020年12月至2021年1月期间,中国顶尖大学的教授和工作人员的讣告出现了一个大高峰。

  • 过世的人包括不同年龄和背景的人,如前图书馆馆长、护理学校创始人和语言学家。

  • 北京大学的郭教授死于冠状病毒。

  • 12月,北京大学和清华大学都发出通知,敦促加强对退休教职员工的保护。

  • 中国卫生官员表示,疫情已经达到顶峰,并且正在稳步下降。

  • 然而,卫生系统中的潜在问题,如效果较差的疫苗和医院床位不足,仍未得到解决。

  • 来自香港的金教授评论说,即使未来出现小高峰,如果不吸取疫情的教训,仍会有更多人死亡。

  • 中国卫生官员表示,疫情已经达到顶峰,并正在稳步下降,但中国卫生系统的根本问题仍未得到解决。

  • 金教授评论说,如果不吸取疫情的教训,未来仍会有更多人死亡。

  • New York Time examined the obituaries published over the past four years by the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  • The spike in obituaries late last year coincided with the coronavirus’s rapid spread across the country. This occurred despite China’s strict “zero Covid” policy of lockdowns and mass testing.

  • After the government abandoned the policy in early December, cases soared and the number of obituaries increased, indicating a significant number of members of the academies were affected by the virus.

  • When Covid restrictions were lifted in China, hospitals were overwhelmed and funeral homes had difficulty handling the bodies. Despite this, the government reported only a few dozen deaths, which caused criticism of their lack of transparency.

  • More data has been released in recent weeks, including a reported 80,000 deaths. However, experts believe this is an undercount, as it only accounts for those who died in hospitals, potentially leading to an estimated 1 million deaths in the months ahead.

  • Covid testing has been largely abandoned in hospitals, making it difficult to determine an accurate death toll. Dr. Jin from the University of Hong Kong believes it is the government’s job to provide accurate information, but they are not doing their job.

  • The deceased included molecular biologists, nuclear physicists and experts in agricultural chemistry.

  • One academy member, Ma Jianzhang, 86, was a wildlife scientist who specialized in Siberian tigers.

  • He helped establish the country’s only college for wildlife and nature reserves, and led groups including the China Zoological Society and the China Wildlife Conservation Association.

  • Reached by phone, a relative of Professor Ma said that she did not know whether he had contracted Covid, because he had not been tested.

  • He had other underlying diseases, she added.

  • “To the outside world, he may be someone with great achievements or influence,” the relative, Fu Qun, said. “To our family, he was more important as a sort of spiritual leader. We all respected him very much.”

  • The data drawn from the obituaries are far from conclusive.

  • The institutions also did not answer questions about whether the obituaries — both during the outbreak and before — were exhaustive of all scholars who had died.

  • From 2019 to 2021, the Harbin Institute of Technology had between one and three obituaries for professors and staff members published in December and January.

  • This number significantly increased to 29 deaths between December 2020 and January 2021. - Peking University, one of China’s most prestigious universities, also had obituaries published for their staff and professors.

  • Those who passed away included Luo Xiaochun, 68, former director of the library for the Foreign Languages department; Zhao Binghua, 91, founder of Peking University’s nursing school; and Guo Xiliang, 93, a linguist who had continued publishing books on ancient Chinese phonetics into his 90s.

  • There has been a large spike in obituaries for professors and staff members from top universities in China between December 2020 and January 2021.

  • Those who passed away included people of different ages and backgrounds, such as a former library director, a nursing school founder, and a linguist.

  • Professor Guo, a professor at Peking University, died from the coronavirus.

  • In December, both Peking University and Tsinghua University issued notices urging greater protection for retired faculty and staff.

  • Chinese health officials have said that the outbreak has peaked and is steadily declining.

  • However, underlying issues in the health system such as less effective vaccines and insufficient hospital beds still remain unaddressed.

  • Professor Jin from Hong Kong commented that even if there are small spikes in the future, more people will still die if the lessons of the outbreak are not learned.

  • Chinese health officials have said that the outbreak has peaked and is steadily declining, but underlying issues in the Chinese health system still remain unaddressed.

  • Professor Jin commented that if the lessons of the outbreak are not learned, more people will still die in the future.

链接:In China’s Covid Fog, Deaths of Scholars Offer a Clue - The New York Times