中国政府出台了一项政策,即 “三条红线”,限制房地产开发商的债务水平。
开发商经历了现金紧缩,导致 "烂尾楼 "的出现。
这导致了 "烂尾楼 "和有组织的抵制抵押贷款,这两种情况都让当局感到担忧。
富裕国家正在探索在大流行病发生后将其供应链 "转移 "或 "在岸 "的方案,这引起了中国经济的担忧。
China’s property sector represents around 25% of its GDP and is a critical pillar of growth, but it requires surging amounts of debt.
In January, an LGFV in southwestern Guizhou province announced it would delay repayment on loans worth 15.6 billion yuan.
China’s LGFV debt is estimated at 60 trillion yuan, and local and regional governments have relied on these entities to finance large infrastructure and stimulate economic growth.
China’s debt rose to US$52 trillion in 2022, or 295% of GDP, with the corporate sector borrowing making up the largest part.
Off-budget borrowing by local and regional governments contributed to China’s hidden debt after the 2009 global financial crisis.
Beijing has been attempting to deleverage its economy while avoiding public debt defaults from state-owned enterprises, and made some progress initially due to pandemic-related pressures on companies.
The Chinese government introduced a policy, the “three red lines,” which restricted debt levels of property developers.
This policy had a huge impact on the real estate market, leading to a policy-induced crisis.
Evergrande, one of China’s largest and most indebted real estate developers, was forced to restructure and founder Hui Ka-yan lost more than 90 per cent of his wealth. He had to sell personal properties and private jets to pay off the company’s debt.
Local governments experienced a slump in land sales and revenue due to the zero-Covid policy, leading LGFVs to purchase land in lower-tier cities to soften the financial burden.
The central government banned the use of debt to finance land purchases in October 2022.
Developers experienced cash crunches which resulted in the emergence of “rotten-tail buildings”.
This caused homebuyers to boycott their mortgage payments and some of these revolts were organised.
The zero-Covid policy and government-backed land purchases created a difficult financial situation for local governments.
This led to “rotten-tail buildings” and organised mortgage boycotts, both of which are concerning to authorities.
China recently scrapped its zero-Covid policy and rolled out plans to aid the property market, such as credit support for debt-laden developers and extending maturities of existing loans.
The deleveraging campaign and desire to break away from the debt-driven model in the property sector proved to be too difficult for China’s economy.
Current efforts to ensure the completion and handover of unfinished projects would help reassure prospective homebuyers.
For the first time since the 1960s, Beijing officially reported negative population growth.
This has led to a slowdown in demand for living spaces, especially in lower-tier cities.
An ageing population will increase the burden of local government spending on welfare.
Wealthy countries are exploring options to “reshore” or “friendshore” their supply chains in the aftermath of the pandemic, which is a cause for concern for China’s economy.
Investors and businesses have been affected by the policy flip-flopping, and it may take longer to revive confidence than sales numbers.
China’s economy is at risk of failure due to debt bubbles and fatigue of the property sector.
Local government debt maturity will reach a record high in 2023 and more than 40% of local bonds will come due in the next five years.
Developers will likely fall back into the habit of building up debt to unsustainable levels.
Local governments will still rely on land sales for revenue, creating a leverage-deleverage cycle.
The central government must make long-overdue decisions to reform local government funding mechanisms, expand the social safety net and deepen structural reform.
These reforms are necessary to rejuvenate economic growth and avoid cycles of boom and bust.
Private sector competition and innovation-based growth should be encouraged to sustain economic growth.