达沃市被称为 “菲律宾榴莲之都”,其产量几乎占全国榴莲收成的80%。
达沃市一家榴莲农场的经营者Faye Oguio表示,由于中国的人口众多,中国是一个重要的出口目的地。
在过去的一年里,中国向更多国家开放了新鲜榴莲的市场,这被称为 “榴莲外交”。
位于胡志明市的商业咨询公司Mazars的Jack Nguyen表示,新鲜度是决定榴莲质量的关键。
新加坡南洋理工大学S. Rajaratnam国际研究学院助理教授李明江说,东南亚国家仍有回旋余地。
广东的一位榴莲进口商Jay Zhong指出,榴莲不是中国人的必需品。
Davao City is known as the “Durian Capital of the Philippines”, producing almost 80% of the country’s durian harvests.
A new bilateral agreement between the Philippines and China in early January allowed for fresh Philippine durians to be exported to China for the first time.
Faye Oguio, operator of a durian farm in Davao, remarked that China is a significant destination for exports due to their population.
The news of Philippine durians being exported to China caused frayed nerves in other durian-producing countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia.
Observers have been increasingly attributing political significance to the durian trade, despite it being a small entry in the trillion-US-dollar annual trade between China and Southeast Asia.
The durian market in Davao is currently in short supply as a result of the large amount of durians reserved for China.
The agreement between the Philippines and China has caused other durian-producing countries to worry about their own durian exports to China.
Durian is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia, with a strong smell and a thorny rind.
China is the biggest market for Durian, with the fruit being used in cakes and pastries in the nation’s cooking culture.
According to Xie Kankan, an assistant professor of Southeast Asian Studies at Peking University, durian is a symbol of the special relations between China and the region.
In the past year, China has opened its market to more countries for fresh durians, which has been labelled as “durian diplomacy”.
This has been spurred by the growing appetite of Chinese durian lovers, as well as Beijing’s wish to cement its ties with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).
Preferential tariffs and faster customs clearance under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership have further added to the potential of the business.
Closer engagement has the potential to be a huge source of leverage if political relations sour.
It is believed that durian diplomacy has the potential to strengthen political relations between China and Asean.
Huang Dapeng’s TC Durian company has experienced an annual growth rate of more than 50% over the past five years.
Chinese consumers from all over the country have developed a taste for durian.
In 2017, China imported 824,000 tonnes of fresh durians valued at over US$4 billion.
Thailand has been the main beneficiary of the fast-growing market, as only fresh durians from the country were allowed to be imported.
Malaysia had a smaller high-end market share, dominated by frozen durians.
In September, Beijing approved 51 durian growers and 25 durian-packaging companies from Vietnam to export fresh crops to China.
Vietnam’s land border with China makes trade easier, which enhances the competitiveness of its durians.
Freshness is key to the quality of durian, according to Jack Nguyen of the business advisory firm Mazars in Ho Chi Minh City.
Vietnam is growing a lot and needs to export some of their crop.
China is showing their inclination to improve diplomatic relations with other countries by allowing imports of Vietnam’s agricultural products through official channels.
Durian exports to China would be something big in Vietnam, as it signifies that China’s huge market is open to imports.
Durian exports to China would help Vietnamese farmers, who account for a large portion of the population, to have access to the Chinese market for other agricultural products.
This is a significant move for both countries, as it signifies China’s willingness to improve diplomatic relations with other countries and provides an opportunity for Vietnamese farmers to access a larger market.
The Philippines has become China’s third approved fresh-durian exporter in less than four months.
This industry is expected to generate around US$150 million in income and create 9,696 direct and 1,126 indirect jobs in the first year of trade.
Chinese investments are flocking to other Southeast Asian countries to build up more efficient local supply chains.
US-China competition is increasing in the region, but Southeast Asian countries do not have to choose between them.
Durian is a small part of the strong economic relationship between Southeast Asia and China, but it has political implications.
Robust economic ties highlight the importance of stable diplomatic relations between the countries.
Li Mingjiang, assistant professor at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, said there is still room for Southeast Asian countries to manoeuvre.
He added that durian is a small part of the strong economic relationship between Southeast Asia and China, but it can have some political implications.
Stable diplomatic relations between the countries are highlighted by their strong economic ties.
Last year, China and ASEAN were each other’s biggest trade partners, totaling $975.3 billion in value.
Filipino and Vietnamese farmers and exporters are excited by Beijing’s green light on exports, while Malaysia worries about losing market share.
Malaysia and Thailand have the advantage of less spillover risk from politics.
Philippine durians can be used as a political symbol of bilateral relations, which China can use as leverage.
Beijing had previously imposed restrictions on Filipino bananas due to a stand-off in 2012.
Vietnam and the Philippines could be vulnerable to trade punishment from China due to their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
Durian farmers in the Philippines are concerned about their reliance on the Chinese market for durian exports.
If China were to suddenly stop importing durian, the Philippines would be left with a large surplus of the fruit that would likely rot.
Thailand and Malaysia are not as concerned about this issue as they do not have political disputes with China.
Jay Zhong, a durian importer in Guangdong, points out that durians are not a necessity for Chinese people.
In late 2020, Beijing unofficially banned the import of durians, along with other commodities, from Australia due to political tensions.
A recent application by Australia for fresh lobster exports to China has not been rejected, hinting at a thaw in relations.
Zhong believes that China will not easily give up its biggest piece of the durian market.
Durians have become increasingly popular in recent years, making the Chinese market an important one for durian farmers.
The Chinese market is a critical one for durian farmers and the political situation between China and other countries can have a big impact on the durian industry.
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不知不覺間,東盟已是中國第一大貿易伙伴,而且還會因爲RCEP 而加速成長。