
  • 背景:2023年2月15日,在没有任何预警之下,爱尔兰司法部长西蒙·哈里斯(Simon Harris)突然对外宣布,即刻关闭投资移民计划(IIP),不再接受进一步的申请。随后,48小时之内,葡萄牙也宣布本周取消针对富有非欧洲人的“黄金签证”,加入爱尔兰的行列,成为第二个取消外国人投资居留许可的欧盟国家。

  • 经济学人的文章介绍了 "投资移民 "业务的增长,以及向外国投资者提供快速居留权(“黄金签证”)或公民权(“黄金护照”)的投资计划的流行。中国是最大的需求来源,但来自世界各地的人出于各种原因利用这些计划,如逃离迫害或希望为其子女提供更好的教育。

  • 这些计划被认为是双赢的,但它们具有很大的争议性,尤其是在欧盟。购买房产往往有资格作为投资,这可能会引起人们的不满。葡萄牙的黄金签证非常成功,最近作为解决住房危机的一揽子措施的一部分而被关闭。它要求投资或购买价值至少50万欧元的房产,超过5000名中国人获得了这种签证。

  • 该签证允许在欧盟大部分地区自由旅行,五年后持有人可以申请葡萄牙的永久居留权,以及公民身份和欧盟护照。这允许他们在欧盟其他地方生活和工作,使其成为对许多人有吸引力的选择。

  • 在葡萄牙宣布对新申请人关闭自己的计划的两天前,爱尔兰宣布关闭自己的计划。与国内政治压力相比,对当地市场的影响更令人担忧。司法部长西蒙-哈里斯说,爱尔兰已经采纳了欧盟委员会、欧洲委员会和经合组织等国际机构的报告和结论。

  • 欧盟委员会和经合组织长期以来一直担心黄金签证可能为洗钱和逃税提供掩护。它们一直很容易出现丑闻,2018年,在希腊的中国投资者被指控参与了一场骗局。

  • 2018年的骗局涉及一个希腊开发商以市场价值购买房产,并以高价出售给中国的潜在投资移民,然后他们得到了部分补偿。爱尔兰和葡萄牙决定关闭其黄金签证计划,反映了国际机构对此类计划可能被用于洗钱和逃税的担忧。

  • 欧盟面临一个敏感的问题,即谁有权在其成员国居住。黄金签证是一个有争议的问题,因为它涉及到决定谁在一个国家生活的权力,这具有深远的影响。去年,欧洲议会呼吁彻底禁止黄金护照,并对黄金签证实施严格规定。

  • 塞浦路斯已经关闭了它的投资入籍计划,在欧洲只剩下两个开放的项目(在保加利亚和马耳他)。爱尔兰、葡萄牙和西班牙也面临着放弃其计划的呼吁,而英国则在去年结束了其黄金签证计划。由于希腊的最低投资要求在5月翻倍至50万欧元,因此申请者有所增加。

  • 随着选择的减少,获得前往欧洲的黄金签证已成为一场与时间的赛跑。欧盟正在采取措施限制黄金签证和护照,看起来各成员国也在效仿。

  • Two days before Portugal announced the closure of its own scheme to new applicants, Ireland announced the closure of its own scheme. The effect on the local market was less of a concern than domestic political pressure. Simon Harris, the justice minister, said Ireland had taken on board reports and findings from international bodies such as the EU Commission, Council of Europe, and the oecd.

  • The EU Commission and the oecd have long been concerned that golden visas may provide cover for money-laundering and tax evasion. They have been prone to scandal, with Chinese investors in Greece accused of complicity in a scam in 2018.

  • The scam in 2018 involved a Greek developer buying properties at market value and selling them at a big mark-up to would-be investment migrants in China, who were then partially reimbursed. Ireland’s and Portugal’s decisions to close their golden visa schemes reflects the concern of international bodies over the potential for such schemes to be used for money-laundering and tax evasion.

  • The article discusses the growth of “investment migration” businesses and the popularity of investment schemes that offer fast-track residence rights (“golden visas”) or citizenship (“golden passports”) to foreign investors. China is the biggest source of demand, but people from all over the world take advantage of the schemes for various reasons, such as fleeing persecution or hoping for a better education for their children.

  • The schemes are seen as a win-win, but they are highly controversial, especially in the European Union. Property purchases often qualify as investments, which can cause resentment. Portugal’s golden visa was so successful that it was recently closed as part of a package of measures to tackle a housing crisis. It required an investment or the acquisition of property worth at least €500,000, and more than 5,000 Chinese have acquired such visas.

  • The visa allowed free travel through most of the EU and after five years holders could apply for permanent residence in Portugal, as well as for citizenship and an EU passport. This allowed them to live and work elsewhere in the EU, making it an attractive option for many.

  • The European Union faces a sensitive question of who has the right to live in its member countries. Golden visas are a controversial issue as they involve the power to decide who lives in a country, which has far-reaching consequences. Last year, the European Parliament called for an outright ban on golden passports and the imposition of strict rules on golden visas.

  • Cyprus has closed its citizenship-by-investment programme, leaving only two open in Europe (in Bulgaria and Malta). Ireland, Portugal, and Spain have also faced calls to drop their schemes, while Britain ended its golden-visa programme last year. Greece has seen an increase in applicants due to its minimum required investment doubling to €500,000 in May.

  • With options dwindling, securing a golden visa to Europe has become a race against time. The European Union is taking steps to limit golden visas and passports, and it looks like the member countries are following suit.

链接:What are “golden visas”?

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