
China Sticks Close to Russia as It Makes Cautious Diplomatic Push

Beijing has sought to cast itself as an advocate for peace in Ukraine, but shown little willingness to distance itself from Moscow’s positions

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping met in Beijing last year shortly before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.PHOTO: ALEXEI DRUZHININ/SPUTNIK/ASSOCIATED PRESS

By Austin Ramzy


Feb. 25, 2023 at 7:34 am ET




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HONG KONG—Over a year of war in Ukraine, Russia and China have grown closer. The next stage, as China seeks to cast itself as pushing for peace, will test whether Beijing is willing to put any distance between itself and Moscow.

Thus far it hasn’t. Aside from statements from China’s leader Xi Jinping that nuclear war must be avoided—the sort of truism few would argue with—China has offered no criticism of Russia’s actions. Even that nudging hasn’t stopped President Vladimir Putin from nuclear gamesmanship, highlighted by his stepping back from the New START treaty this week.