
  • 中国最高领导人习近平周五被确认为打破常规的第三任国家主席,进一步正式确立了他作为中国几十年来最具统治力领导人的地位。

  • 这一宣布并不令人惊讶。习近平先生在2018年监督了总统任期限制的废除,并在2022年10月获得了中国共产党党魁的第三个任期,他的真正权威来自于这个职位。现在,随着中国橡皮图章立法机构的年度会议在未来几天内结束,他的许多忠臣正被提升为国家的其他领导人。

  • 他们的任务是振兴经济–在三年的新冠疫情限制之后,中国的经济萎靡不振,加强安全并寻求战略技术的自给自足,以对抗习近平先生所说的美国的 "全面遏制、包围和压制 "的运动。

  • 其中许多职位的人选是明确的,尽管其他职位仍有一些不确定性。

  • 李强将成为中国权力第二大的职位,成为总理。

  • 他是习近平先生的长期盟友,他的提升可能是他被认为是忠诚的产物。

  • 他有领导经济上重要地区的经验,一些人希望他能推动有利于商业的政策。

  • 他缺乏在北京的工作经验,可能会更加依赖习近平先生的持续支持。

  • 他的职位将在周六得到确认,他将在一个新闻发布会上首次公开亮相。

  • 新闻发布会上的问题将被审核。

  • 预计丁薛祥将被任命为常务副总理,这是中国副总理中级别最高的,直接隶属于习近平和新总理。

  • 他可能会负责日常的经济政策。

  • 即将离任的常务副总理韩正是前中共上海市委书记。

  • 丁薛祥从未领导过一个省,但与习近平先生有着长期的联系。

  • 他被认为是中国国家安全委员会的办公室主任,这个机构随着习先生对警惕性的强调而变得越来越有影响力。

  • 他还经常与习近平一起旅行。

  • 韩正被任命为中国副主席,这主要是一个礼仪性的角色。

  • 赵乐际被批准为全国人民代表大会(中国的立法机构)的负责人。

  • 立法机构名义上有制定法律和修改宪法的权力,但实际上决策是由党的高级官员做出的。

  • 赵乐际曾领导党的纪律检查委员会,负责实施习主席打击官员腐败和不忠的运动。

  • 这一运动是习主席巩固权力和清除对手的关键。

  • 在2017年担任纪检工作之前,赵乐际是负责党内人事问题的高级官员,使他在党内事务方面具有深厚的经验。

  • 赵乐际现在是党内第三号人物,已被批准为全国人民代表大会的负责人。

  • 他在党内事务方面的经验以及他对纪检委的领导是习主席巩固权力和清除对手的关键。

  • 王沪宁已被任命为中国人民政治协商会议的负责人。

  • 这个团体提供政治和社会政策建议,并作为党的软实力力量。

  • 王沪宁被称为该党的首席思想家,一直参与创建宣传和撰写演讲稿和政策。

  • 他帮助塑造了习近平的民族复兴 "中国梦 "愿景。

  • 他的政治崛起标志着该党的强硬、反西方政策的延续。

  • 中国人民政治协商会议是政府的一个重要咨询机构,其领导层是该党对其议程的承诺的一个象征。

  • 王沪宁被任命为这个机构的负责人,表明了该党对其反西方政策和塑造中国梦的努力的执着。

  • 何立峰有望成为主管中国经济和产业政策的副总理

  • 他是中国国家发展和改革委员会的现任主任。

  • 他曾监督国内和海外的五年计划和大型投资项目的起草工作。

  • 与即将离任的经济沙皇刘鹤相比,何立峰的海外经历很少。

  • 他在中国东南部的福建省工作了25年,然后在天津这个大都市担任共产党副书记。

  • 他与习近平先生的密切关系表明,他将是实施习近平领导的以安全为导向、以国家为主导的社会愿景的关键,其中经济增长仅次于意识形态。

  • China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, was confirmed to a norm-breaking third term as state president on Friday, further formalizing his position as China’s most dominant leader in decades.

  • The announcement was no surprise: Mr. Xi oversaw the abolition of presidential term limits in 2018, and in October he secured a third term as head of the Chinese Communist Party, the position from which his real authority derives. Now, as the annual meeting of China’s rubber-stamp legislature concludes in the coming days, many of his loyalists are being elevated to the rest of the country’s leadership.

  • They will be tasked with reviving the economy, which is languishing after three years of Covid restrictions, bolstering security and seeking self-sufficiency in strategic technologies to counter what Mr. Xi has described as a campaign of “all-around containment, encirclement and suppression” by the United States.

  • The picks for many of those positions are clear, though some uncertainty remains around others.

  • Li Qiang is set to become the second-most powerful position in China, as premier.

  • He is a longtime ally of Mr. Xi and his elevation is likely a product of his perceived loyalty.

  • He has experience leading economically important regions and some hope he will promote business-friendly policies.

  • He lacks experience in Beijing and could be more reliant on Mr. Xi’s continued support.

  • His position is set to be confirmed on Saturday and he will make his public debut at a news conference.

  • Questions at the news conference will be vetted.

  • Ding Xuexiang is expected to be appointed executive vice premier, the highest-ranked of China’s vice premiers, directly under Mr. Xi and the new premier.

  • He is likely to be responsible for day-to-day economic policy.

  • Outgoing executive vice premier, Han Zheng, was a former Communist Party secretary of Shanghai.

  • Ding Xuexiang has never led a province, but has longstanding ties with Mr. Xi.

  • He is believed to be the office director for China’s National Security Commission, a body that has grown more influential with Mr. Xi’s emphasis on vigilance.

  • He has also frequently traveled with Mr. Xi.

  • Han Zheng has been named China’s vice president, a largely ceremonial role.

  • Zhao Leji was approved as the head of the National People’s Congress, China’s legislature.

  • The legislature nominally has the power to make laws and amend the Constitution, though decisions are in reality made by top party officials.

  • Zhao has led the party’s discipline inspection commission, in charge of implementing President Xi’s campaign against official corruption and disloyalty.

  • This campaign is key to President Xi’s consolidation of power and purging of rivals.

  • Before taking on the disciplinary role in 2017, Zhao was a top official in charge of party personnel issues, giving him deep experience in the party’s internal affairs.

  • Zhao Leji is now No. 3 in the party hierarchy and has been approved as the head of the National People’s Congress.

  • His experience in the party’s internal affairs and his leadership of the discipline inspection commission have been key to President Xi’s consolidation of power and purging of rivals.

  • Wang Huning has been appointed as the head of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

  • This group offers political and social policy suggestions and serves as a soft power force for the party.

  • Wang is known as the party’s chief ideologist and has been involved in creating propaganda and writing speeches and policies.

  • He helped shape Xi Jinping’s “Chinese Dream” vision of national rejuvenation.

  • His political rise signals the continuation of the party’s hard-line, anti-Western policies.

  • The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference is an important advisory body to the government and its leadership is a symbol of the party’s commitment to its agenda.

  • Wang Huning’s appointment to the role of head of this body is an indication of the party’s dedication to its anti-Western policies and its efforts to shape the Chinese Dream.

  • He Lifeng is expected to become Vice Premier overseeing economic and industrial policy in China

  • He is the current Head of China’s National Development and Reform Commission

  • He has overseen the drafting of five-year plans and large investment projects both at home and overseas

  • Compared to outgoing economic czar, Liu He, He Lifeng has little overseas exposure

  • He has worked for 25 years in southeastern China’s Fujian Province, and then became Deputy Communist Party Secretary in the megacity of Tianjin

  • His close ties to Mr. Xi suggest that he will be key to carrying out the leader’s vision of a security-oriented, state-led society, where economic growth comes second to ideology

链接:China Appoints Xi Jinping Loyalist Li Qiang as Premier - The New York Times