
  • 在TikTok首席执行官周受姿Shou Zi Chew在国会山作证之前,一群硅谷高管和华盛顿立法者正在开会讨论中国、国家安全和美国与中国科技行业之间的竞争。反对TikTok的势头正在形成,美国政府和其他西方国家在政府发放的设备上屏蔽了该应用程序。拜登政府要求TikTok的中国所有者出售其股份,否则可能面临美国的禁令。

  • 前谷歌政策顾问雅各布-赫尔伯格(Jacob Helberg)正带头努力建立一个两党的、两岸的中国鹰派联盟。他在新美国安全中心担任兼职高级研究员,并担任斯坦福大学地缘政治和技术中心的高级顾问。他的首要任务是每隔几周与国会的立法者会面,敦促他们禁止TikTok。

  • 在接受《华尔街日报》采访时,周先生说,将TikTok从其中国所有者手中剥离并不能提供比TikTok已经提出的计划更多的保护。他定于讨论中国问题的私人晚宴后的第二天在国会山作证。

  • 一个名为Hill & Valley Forum的团体正计划在即将举行的有200人参加的晚宴上讲述他们对中国的担忧。该晚宴由风险投资公司137 Ventures、Founders Fund和Helberg先生支付。发言者包括泰尔先生、维诺德-科斯拉和其他金融家、高管和创始人。该组织正在促使国会准备对TikTok进行质询,赫尔伯格先生认为TikTok是 “中国有史以来对美国进行的最有力的间谍活动”。

  • 拜登政府呼吁TikTok的中国所有者出售他们的股份,美国政府、欧盟委员会、加拿大、比利时和美国30多个州已经禁止TikTok使用政府发放的设备。联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗-韦伊表示,TikTok “带着国家安全的担忧而尖叫”。参议员马尔科-鲁比奥、参议员马克-华纳、众议员迈克尔-麦考尔和众议员迈克-加拉格尔都提出了针对TikTok或更广泛的外国技术的立法,并都计划出席晚宴。

  • TikTok的一位女发言人表示,中国政府从未要求他们分享美国的用户数据,如果被要求,他们也不会这样做。山谷论坛晚宴试图提高人们对TikTok及其潜在间谍能力的认识,并鼓励人们对其进行质疑。与会的政治家和金融家们计划讨论他们的担忧和可能的解决方案。

  • 美国官员担心中国政府可能迫使TikTok的所有者–总部设在北京的字节跳动有限公司–监视美国用户或影响他们看到的视频。为了平息立法者的担忧,TikTok提出了一项计划,将公司的美国业务重组为一个新的部门,由甲骨文公司和其他第三方监督机构审查与TikTok如何选择视频和访问用户数据有关的代码。TikTok还邀请其创作者在本月晚些时候与公司高管一起到美国国会大厦开会。

  • TikTok已经对18岁以下的用户实施了60分钟的屏幕时间限制,用户可以通过输入密码绕过这一限制。美国科技界和政府领导人之间的联盟凸显了TikTok的高管们在试图说服政策制定者相信他们的应用程序对美国用户是安全的方面所面临的障碍。

  • 被提名为美中经济与安全审查委员会成员的赫尔伯格先生认为,要减轻该应用程序的潜在威胁,唯一的办法是让TikTok的中国所有者出售其股份,并让该公司关闭其在中国的工程业务。他认为,中国是对美国民主的最大政治和地缘政治威胁之一。

  • 许多科技公司对缺乏接触中国消费者的机会感到沮丧,而美国公司一直无法在中国复制这种情况。下周将举行晚宴讨论这一问题,彼得-蒂尔和脸书前副总裁凯文-威尔将出席并发言。

  • 这次晚宴是由关注中国和国家安全的人士组成的联盟举办的第二次活动。它是由前谷歌员工凯斯-海尔伯格组建的,他写了一本关于他在谷歌工作的时间以及他对美国和中国之间即将发生的网络战争的看法。这本书被传给了国会山的立法者,导致了与民选官员的更多联系。

  • 晚宴的主要信息是,在为时已晚之前赢得与中国的技术竞赛。风险投资家维诺德-科斯拉警告说,与中国的 "技术-经济 "战争将塑造世界秩序。他认为,谁在技术优势的竞赛中获胜,谁就会赢得经济和政治权力。

  • A group of Silicon Valley executives and Washington lawmakers are meeting to discuss China, national security and the competition between the U.S. and China tech sectors ahead of TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew’s Capitol Hill testimony. Momentum against TikTok is building, with the U.S. government and other Western countries blocking the app on government-issued devices. The Biden administration has demanded that TikTok’s Chinese owners sell their stakes or face a possible U.S. ban.

  • Jacob Helberg, a former Google policy adviser, is spearheading the effort to create a bipartisan, bicoastal alliance of China hawks. He serves as an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security and a senior adviser at the Stanford University Center on Geopolitics and Technology. His priority is to meet with lawmakers in Congress every couple of weeks to urge them to ban TikTok.

  • In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Chew said divesting TikTok from its Chinese owners doesn’t offer any more protection than the plans TikTok has already proposed. He is scheduled to testify on Capitol Hill the day after the private dinner discussing China.

  • A group called Hill & Valley Forum is planning to speak about their concerns about China at an upcoming dinner attended by 200 people. The dinner is being paid for by venture-capital firms 137 Ventures, Founders Fund, and Mr. Helberg. Speakers include Mr. Thiel, Vinod Khosla, and other financiers, executives, and founders. The group is priming Congress to be ready to question TikTok, which Mr. Helberg views as “the most potent espionage operation that China has ever carried out against the U.S.”

  • The Biden administration has called for the Chinese owners of TikTok to sell their stakes, and U.S. government, the European Commission, Canada, Belgium, and more than 30 U.S. states have banned TikTok on government-issued devices. FBI director Christopher Wray has stated that TikTok “screams out with national security concerns.” Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Mark Warner, Rep. Michael McCaul, and Rep. Mike Gallagher have all introduced legislation aimed at TikTok or foreign technology more broadly, and all plan to attend the dinner.

  • A spokeswoman for TikTok has said that the Chinese government has never asked them to share U.S. user data, nor would they if asked. The Hill & Valley Forum dinner is an attempt to raise awareness and encourage lines of questioning about TikTok and its potential espionage capabilities. The attending politicians and financiers plan to discuss their concerns and possible solutions.

  • U.S. officials are concerned that the Chinese government could force the owner of TikTok, Beijing-based ByteDance Ltd., to spy on American users or influence which videos they see. To appease lawmakers’ concerns, TikTok has proposed a plan to reorganize the company’s U.S. operations in a new unit, with Oracle Corp. and other third-party monitors reviewing the code related to how TikTok selects videos and access to users’ data. TikTok has also invited its creators to join company executives at the U.S. Capitol later this month.

  • TikTok has implemented a 60-minute screen-time limit for users under the age of 18, and users can bypass the limit by entering a password. The alliance between U.S. tech and government leaders highlights the hurdles TikTok’s executives face in trying to convince policy makers that their app is safe for U.S. users.

  • Mr. Helberg, nominated to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, believes that the only way for the potential threat from the app to be abated is for TikTok’s Chinese owners to sell their stakes and for the company to shut down its engineering operations in China. He believes that China represents one of the biggest political and geopolitical threats to American democracy.

  • Many tech companies have grown frustrated with the lack of access to Chinese consumers, which U.S. companies have not been able to replicate in China. A dinner is being held next week to discuss this issue, with Peter Thiel and Kevin Weil, a former vice president of Facebook, attending to speak.

  • The dinner is the second event held by a coalition of those concerned about China and national security. It was formed by former Google employee, Keith Helberg, who wrote a book about his time at Google and his views of a coming cyberwar between the U.S. and China. It was passed around to Capitol Hill lawmakers, leading to more connections with elected officials.

  • The main message of the dinner is to win the tech race with China before it is too late. Venture capitalist Vinod Khosla warned of a “techno-economic” war with China that will shape the world order. He believes whoever wins the race for technological superiority will win economic and political power.