
  • 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔-普京表示,中国的乌克兰和平计划可以用来结束战争。

  • 中国上个月公布的计划没有明确要求俄罗斯离开乌克兰,而是呼吁进行和平谈判和尊重国家主权。

  • 然而,乌克兰坚持要求俄罗斯从其领土上撤出,作为任何会谈的条件,而俄罗斯还没有表现出准备好。

  • 两位领导人还讨论了两国之间不断增长的贸易、能源和政治关系,签署了两份联合文件,并就计划在西伯利亚修建一条管道,通过蒙古向中国输送俄罗斯天然气达成了一致。

  • 中国和俄罗斯在两位领导人会晤后发表的联合声明说,两国密切的伙伴关系并不构成一个 “军事政治联盟”。

  • 普京指责西方国家部署带有 "核成分 "的武器,并表示如果英国向乌克兰发送用贫化铀制造的炮弹,俄罗斯将 “被迫作出反应”。

  • 习近平在周二抵达克里姆林宫参加第二天的会谈时受到了大张旗鼓的欢迎,他对俄罗斯的访问是在国际刑事法院因战争罪指控对普京发出逮捕令的几天后进行的。

  • 乌克兰总统沃洛基米尔-泽伦斯基说,他将应岸田的邀请通过视频链接参加5月在日本举行的七国集团峰会,并要求中国参与会谈,但正在等待答复。

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that China’s peace plan for Ukraine could be used to end the war.

  • China’s plan, published last month, does not explicitly call for Russia to leave Ukraine but instead calls for peace talks and respect for national sovereignty.

  • However, Ukraine insists on Russia withdrawing from its territory as a condition for any talks, which Russia has yet to show readiness for.

  • The two leaders also discussed growing trade, energy, and political ties between the two nations, signed two joint documents, and agreed on a planned pipeline in Siberia to deliver Russian gas to China via Mongolia.

  • The joint statement released by China and Russia after the meeting between the two leaders said the close partnership between the two countries did not constitute a “military-political alliance”.

  • Putin accused the West of deploying weapons with a “nuclear component” and said Russia would be “forced to react” if the UK sent shells made with depleted uranium to Ukraine.

  • Xi was given a fanfare welcome when he arrived at the Kremlin for a second day of talks on Tuesday, and his visit to Russia came days after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin on war crimes allegations.

  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he would join the G7 summit in Japan in May via video link at the invitation of Kishida and asked China to get involved in talks but was waiting for an answer.
