
  • 香港的加密货币公司发现了一个意外的潜在支持来源–中国的国有银行。交通银行股份有限公司、中国银行股份有限公司和上海浦东发展银行的香港分支机构已经开始提供银行服务,或者已经向该领域进行了咨询。至少有一次,一家中国银行的销售代表甚至访问了一家加密货币公司的办公室,推销其服务。

  • 这一来自中国国有银行的橄榄枝是值得注意的,因为加密货币该行业一直被大银行所回避,并且在获得正常的银行服务方面面临困难。这也是一个合适的时机,在美国科技银行硅谷银行、Silvergate Capital Corp.和Signature Bank倒闭后,贷款人填补了一个空白。中国贷款机构的推动被认为是开创性的,因为在一家传统银行的加密货币账户是开创性的东西。

  • 一家大型中资银行在香港的分支机构的一名高管表示,加密货币的推动、中国政府的明显绿灯以及当地不确定的贷款情况,为探索市场提供了机会。人们还看到中国官员在该市的数字资产活动中混杂在一起,交换联系方式并要求提供报告。中国银行、Bocom和上海浦东没有对发表评论的请求作出回应。

  • 由于数字资产的匿名性质,加密货币企业在获得银行服务方面历来遇到困难。这迫使企业寻求变通办法,如小众银行或虚拟银行,或将人力资源和工资发放外包给第三方。银行经常标记与加密货币公司有关的交易,并可以在几乎没有警告的情况下暂停账户。

  • 对于那些从事代币交易的人来说,要保证银行服务就更难了。许多公司已经转向国外对加密货币友好的银行,或者转向场外加密货币交易所和实物加密货币兑换商。美国银行危机后,全球企业争相将资金转移,Hex Trust将其持有的资金转换为美元币,并转移到一家身份不明的香港银行。

  • ZA银行是一家香港虚拟银行,对数字资产公司开放,并有一个快速商业账户开设的试点计划。Neopets Metaverse的Dominic Law希望当地银行能够启动一个试验项目,以支持加密货币公司。这将使商业环境更受欢迎,更容易支持该领域的初创企业。

  • 区块链技术公司CNHC集团的创始人Jack Chou,在美国的加密货币友好银行倒闭后,正在寻求在香港建立。该公司能够收回其1200多万美元存款中的1000万美元,其中大部分被转移到中国海南自由贸易区的一家离岸银行。Chou和他的伙伴已经访问了香港五次,并计划在4月再次访问香港以开立银行账户。

  • Chou已经接触了香港星展银行、汇丰银行、渣打银行、中国银行(香港)和恒生银行,但由于加密货币的敏感性,没有什么进展。

  • Chou认为,政府推动行业发展与提供的银行服务不足之间的冲突阻碍了进展。

  • 香港的银行对加密货币公司越来越开放,但在KYC和反洗钱法规方面还没有大的转变。

  • 香港金融管理局在2022年1月发布了一份指南,要求银行在与虚拟资产服务提供商建立银行关系时,评估洗钱和恐怖主义融资风险。

  • 随着美国银行因监管问题而变得对技术不那么友好,香港的银行有条件利用资本流入,但地缘政治气候是否会阻止非亚洲项目与中国银行合作。

  • Crypto firms in Hong Kong have found an unexpected source of potential support – China’s state-owned banks. The Hong Kong arms of Bank of Communications Co., Bank of China Ltd. and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank have either started offering banking services or have made inquiries to the field. On at least one occasion, sales representatives from one Chinese bank even visited the office of a crypto company to pitch its services.

  • The olive branch is notable as the sector has been shunned by major banks and faced difficulties in securing normal banking services. It is also an opportune time, with the lenders filling a void after the failures of US tech banks Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate Capital Corp. and Signature Bank. The push by Chinese lenders is seen as groundbreaking as a cryptocurrency account at a tradfi bank is something groundbreaking.

  • A top executive at a branch of a major Chinese bank in Hong Kong said the crypto push, the apparent green-light from Beijing and the uncertain local lending situation has offered an opportunity to explore the market. Chinese officials have also been seen mingling at the city’s digital asset events, exchanging contact details and asking for reports. Bank of China, Bocom and Shanghai Pudong have not responded to requests for a comment.

  • Crypto businesses have historically encountered difficulty in securing banking services due to the anonymous nature of digital assets. This has forced firms to seek out workarounds, such as niche banks or virtual banks, or to outsource human resources and payroll to a third party. Banks often flag transactions related to crypto firms and can suspend accounts with little warning.

  • For those dealing in tokens, it’s even harder to secure banking services. Many firms have turned to crypto-friendly banks abroad, or to over-the-counter crypto exchanges and physical crypto money exchangers. Global firms scrambled to move funds away after the US banking crisis, and Hex Trust converted their holdings to USD Coin and moved to an unidentified Hong Kong bank.

  • ZA Bank, a Hong Kong virtual bank, is open to digital asset firms and has a pilot program for express business account openings. Dominic Law of Neopets Metaverse hopes that local banks can start a trial program to support crypto firms. This would make the business landscape more welcoming and easier to support startups in the field.

  • Jack Chou, founder of the blockchain technology company CNHC Group, is seeking to establish in Hong Kong after the collapse of crypto friendly banks in the US. The firm was able to recover $10 million of its more than $12 million deposits, most of which was transferred to an offshore bank in China’s Hainan’s free trade zone. Chou and his partner have already visited Hong Kong five times and plan to visit again in April to open bank accounts.

  • Chou has approached DBS Hong Kong, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Bank of China (Hong Kong) and Hang Seng Bank, but there has not been much progress due to the sensitivity of crypto.

  • Chou believes the conflict between the government pushing for the development of the industry and the lack of banking services offered is hindering progress.

  • Hong Kong banks are becoming more open to crypto firms but there has yet to be a big shift in KYC and AML regulations.

  • The Hong Kong Monetary Authority issued a guide in January 2022 that asked banks to assess money laundering and terrorist financing risks when making banking relationships with virtual asset service providers.

  • Banks in Hong Kong are well-positioned to tap into capital inflows as US banks become less tech-friendly due to regulatory concerns, but there is a question as to whether the geopolitical climate will deter non-Asian projects from banking with Chinese banks.