
  • 华为技术有限公司的首席财务官孟晚舟将于周六开始作为公司董事长进行为期六个月的轮换。在此之前,她在温哥华花了近三年的时间,为被引渡到美国的欺诈指控而斗争。她现在是一个民族英雄,也是中国在关键技术领域建立霸主地位的长期雄心的罕见面孔。2022年的收入几乎持平,但该公司报告的净收入却异常地急剧下降了69%。

  • 2月,在华为中国一个园区的吊灯舞厅举行的仪式上,孟女士与其他五位华为高层管理人员一起出现。在过去三年中,华为已经更换了13,000多个外国零件和4,000多块电路板,该公司仍然依靠美国的芯片公司来生产其剩余的4G智能手机和其他消费小工具。孟女士在国内的形象有所提升,但她在全球的作用却有所下降。

  • 任正非警告说,华为仍在为生存而战,如果拜登政府继续推进进一步的技术限制,其推动新业务的努力将变得更加紧迫。尽管任正非先生曾经坚持认为他的孩子永远不可能管理公司,但孟晚舟女士显然有资格从她父亲手中接过权力。曾与孟女士共事的华为美国前高管比尔-普拉默(Bill Plummer)表示,她被软禁的三年时间实际上起到了作用。

  • 2018年12月,孟女士在温哥华被加拿大当局逮捕,当时她正在前往南美的商务旅行途中。她被美国通缉,罪名是与华为向伊朗非法出售电信设备的指控有关的银行欺诈。2021年9月,三方外交对峙以换俘结束,孟女士承认了错误行为,以换取美国撤销指控。

  • 现在,华为实际上被美国和其他西方大国拒之门外,导致2021年的销售额下降了29%。尽管如此,孟女士还是在中国各地的各种行业活动中露面,包括为电信公司中国移动有限公司的合作伙伴举办的会议和11月在上海举行的中国国际进口博览会。

  • 孟女士在她以前所在的都匀高中发表了演讲,回忆了她早年在华为财务部工作的日子,并讨论了该公司为克服美国对其获取外国技术的限制所做的努力。她在演讲结束时说,华为的 “脚踏实地的战斗精神永远不会过时”。

  • Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer at Huawei Technologies Co., is set to begin a six-month rotation as company chairwoman on Saturday. This comes after she spent nearly three years in Vancouver fighting extradition to the U.S. on fraud charges. She is now a national hero and a rare face of China’s long-term ambitions to establish supremacy in critical technologies. Revenue remained virtually flat in 2022, but the company reported an unusually steep drop in net income of 69%.

  • At a February ceremony in a chandeliered ballroom at a Huawei campus in China, Ms. Meng appeared alongside five other top Huawei executives. Huawei has replaced more than 13,000 foreign parts and more than 4,000 circuit boards in the past three years, and the company still relies on U.S. chip companies for its remaining lineup of 4G smartphones and other consumer gadgets. Ms. Meng’s profile has risen at home, but her global role has diminished.

  • Mr. Ren has warned that Huawei is still in a fight for survival, and its efforts to push into new business ventures will grow in urgency if the Biden administration presses ahead with further technology restrictions. Ms. Meng is clearly in line to take over the reins from her father, despite Mr. Ren’s once insisting that his children could never run the company. Her three years of house arrest actually helped, according to Bill Plummer, a former Huawei executive in the U.S. who has worked with Ms. Meng.

  • In December 2018, Ms. Meng was arrested in Vancouver by Canadian authorities while on a business trip en route to South America. She was wanted by the U.S. on bank fraud charges related to allegations that Huawei was illegally selling telecom equipment to Iran. In September 2021, the three-way diplomatic standoff concluded with a prisoner swap, in which Ms. Meng admitted wrongdoing in exchange for the U.S. dismissing the charges.

  • Huawei is now effectively shut out of the U.S. and other big Western countries, leading to a 29% drop in sales in 2021. Despite this, Ms. Meng has made appearances at various industry events across China, including a conference for partners of the telecom company China Mobile Ltd. and the China International Import Expo in Shanghai in November.

  • Ms. Meng gave a speech at her former high school in Duyun, where she recalled her early days in Huawei’s finance department and discussed the company’s efforts to overcome U.S. restrictions on their access to foreign technology. She concluded her speech by saying that Huawei’s “down-to-earth fighting spirit will never go out of style.”

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