世界货币基金组织称,中国将是未来五年全球增长的最大贡献者,到2028年占世界总增长的22.6%。印度紧随其后,占12.9%,而美国将贡献11.3%。全球增长的75%预计将集中在20个国家,超过一半集中在前四名: 中国、印度、美国和印度尼西亚。
China will be the top contributor to global growth over the next five years, with 22.6% of total world growth through 2028. India follows at 12.9%, while the US will contribute 11.3%. 75% of global growth is expected to be concentrated in 20 countries and over half in the top four: China, India, the US and Indonesia.
The emergency lender sees the world economy expanding about 3% over the next half decade as higher interest rates bite. The four nations of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are expected to add almost 40% of the world’s growth through 2028. South Africa, the smallest economy in the grouping, is expected to add roughly half a percentage point to the world total.
The IMF has urged nations to avoid economic fragmentation caused by geopolitical tension and take steps to bolster productivity. Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and France are seen among the top 10 contributors to global growth.
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